adding testosterone with doing damage


New member
I just turned 18 and have always had a hard time putting on muscle. I have a low testosterone level. So I was thinking about taking steroids to increase my testosterone level but not replace my natural testosterone. I'm bascally looking for a cycle that could help speed things up but not cause future problems relating to my natural production or affect my future of having kids.

Do you think that if I were to do this cycle for my first and only cycle, that I would be fine.

Weeks 1-6 dbol. 20mg a day
Weeks 1-10 test. Enanth. 450 mg a week
Finish off with clomid or nolvadex

My stats:
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125

I take in about 3,000 calories a day and 2 protien shakes also
But the more I eat the more I digest.
sometimes I digest my food up to 3 times a day
what kind of "low" testosterone are we talkin about here? If youre not like 200ng/dl or somethin i would personally say your too young for gear. You are definitely small for your height so i would also recommend before steroids try eating more proteins and calories in general.
How'ed you find out you had a low level?Did you go to the doctor to find out that you had a low test level?
what you have planned looks more like a steroid cycle and not testosterone replacement therapy.

the doses and duration for the drugs you have outlined will "replace" and shut down your natural test production.

post your daily diet from am to pm please, thanks.
If the doctor told him he had low test would he automaticly put him on something?
Is that a comen thing for an 18 yo to have low test when he should be over flowing with it? Something sounds fishey
Usually guys with low testosterone are overweight, not paper thin. I suspect youve never had a blood test and youre just looking for an excuse.

Well ... i think you don't need using Test now, you are just turned 18 as u said, so if you start using Test now? so what will you do when you are turning to 35 years old? .... all what you need to start very good Diet program & you will start seeing great results.
bye 4now.