Hey guys, can you send me your email info?
hey slang i posted my email in that private (i think its private) conversation thread. Its probably best from now on if we all communicate via email do you think?
Hey guys, can you send me your email info?
thats been copied and pasted off phoenix peptide ( first thing that comes up in google if you type CKGGRAKDC-GG-D(KLAKLAK)2 )
As I understand this is FTPP , I just do not understand why the price differ so much. ERGOPEP is selling 5mg for $24. Should I trust buy from there? Did someone buy anything from them before?
lol this is already discussed in another log however at that price its going to cost $4800 a gram (your going to need at least a gram) and us steroidologists have already found a place that sells it at $1600.
At the moment there has been no evidence to prove that it infact works in human subjects seeming that because of the price,people are only using 1/100th of the reccomended effective dose
I really need something to help with the weight loss. I have excess of estrogen and I need help with my midsection, does someone have any advice?
The kidney heals on its own, thus the damage is mild and reversible.
The reason that kidneys are the most sensitive organ is not because they are fatty (are they fatty?) but because everything in the blood is filtered through the kidneys before exiting the body, so this peptide must come in close contact with kidney cells. The peptide has a death signal that causes cells to commit suicide (called apoptosis) so you would expect some kidney damage. Fortunately it is mild and reversible.
They did mention on page 5 of the Science paper that they gave some crab monkeys (cynomologous macaques) a single dose of 100 mg per kg that was 133 times the daily therapuetic dose. None of them died. This means that even with a huge overdose of adipotide, the kidneys do not fail. Dan
Ultimately if this drug does actually get released it will be heavily controlled, and available only for those who have cancer, or who are morbidly obese.
Just like testosterone is heavily controlled and only given to cancer and HIV patients right?