advance bulk cycle pro advice


i am going start advance lean bulk cycle

1 test p 200/eod week 1 to 16
2 anavar 80mg/ed week 1 to 8
3 hgh 4iu /ed week 1 tp 15
4 armidex 0.5/ed week 1 to 16
5 tren a 100mg/eod week 8 to 16
6 mesteron 100mg/eod week 11 16
7 wini 50mg/ed week 9 to 16


1 hcg 1000 iu/ed week 1 to 2
2 nolva 40mg /ed week 1 to 20mg week to 6

16 weeks of hgh is a waist of money. 6+ months should be the minimum. Hcg doesn't belong in pct. Run it from beginning of cycle up to pct. Your pct is half ass too. Run nolva and clomid for 4 weeks. Just seems like you picked a few compounds and just tossed them into a cycle. Can you explain the reasoning for using what you have laid out?
thanks for reply tbonexl

i am going to start my contest prepration Contest i have almost 20 weeks so i think i should go for lean bulk
so i think start with 1st 8 weeks test p , anavar , and hgh then ill switch to mest and tren.

i have done pct with hcg lot of time
i think hcg is better in pct for turning on neutral test if i used it with whole cycle its like turning on and of .......
thanks for reply tbonexl

i am going to start my contest prepration Contest i have almost 20 weeks so i think i should go for lean bulk
so i think start with 1st 8 weeks test p , anavar , and hgh then ill switch to mest and tren.

i have done pct with hcg lot of time
i think hcg is better in pct for turning on neutral test if i used it with whole cycle its like turning on and of .......

your masteron dosage is incredibly low. It probably won't do anything.
You're running an oral for nearly the whole cycle (var into winny). That'll be hard on the old liver....

As for using HCG in PCT you'd be wrong. HCG supresses endogenous test certainly doesn't help bring it back during all. That's what clomid is for
onk thanks bro

ok do i have to increase mest 100 to 200
and what about hcg if i keep it in whole cycle how should i use in a week ?
Hcg 250 iu's twice a week. Mast should be ran atleast 600mgs per week. That would be on the low side.
onk thanks bro

ok do i have to increase mest 100 to 200
and what about hcg if i keep it in whole cycle how should i use in a week ?

200mg EoD works fine, or 100mg ED (assuming you're running the short ester)
16 weeks on orals is a bit much IMO.. and the HGH for soo short is a waste. I would pick one oral and use the hgh for 5-8 months atleast
My is Age 30
height 6 feet
weight 104 kg
Body Fat 17%

Do you think 4 weeks is enough time to transition from a bulk to a cut sufficient enough to drop body fat percentage down to 6-8%? I don't know your experience level, nor do I know what category you plan on competing - but a month to tidy things up while in recovery from a multi-compound cycle seems pretty ambitious.

My .02c :)
Thank you everybody for reply and suggestions i appreciate

as my previous experience i think ican manage it cause last time i was drop my body fat from 18% to 10% 2 weeks before the contest and at stage i was at 7/8%
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