Advanced Beginner Cycle + General Info


New member
This read is aimed at somewhat advanced guys, I wrote quite a lot of basic info and I'm sure the pros know all this and much more. I just hope I can hint some guys into the right direction. I see a lot of young guys asking about cycles kinda like this, so this might help a little.

So, what better time to eat heavy on all that good home made food than the jolly holiday season ? Thats all good and nice but we tend to add a nice slice of fat as well. Heres a great cycle that I ran a bunch of times in my years and still do every once in a while.

The idea is to run some heavier gear and then make the switch and get into a solid diet to harden up. The cycle is quite easy and a good start to get into the more advanced cycles. Make sure you have a VERY solid foundation of training and diet, your body should already be very progressed at this state and BF levels are to be kept as low as possible before starting any cycle.

Before you take a look note that I dose my gear very low, you can add more if you feel the need, I just never really did. Actually I used quite low doses all my life and it served me very well, never had any unusual side effects either. To this day I try to stay as low as possible, try to make gains with good diets and hard training. But its your body, you decide how you want to dose things.

I know I'm kind of a bore but I advise you to read carefully, some things might seem fu*king standard that they shouldn't even be in here but I just like to be as complete as possible.

Heres how it goes:

Week 1-4: Sustanon 250 & Deca 200mg, Dbol 30 -40mg
(Inject every 5th day, i.e. Mon/Sat -Thu-Tues..and so on)
Dbol ED

I often taper the Dbol up, but you can leave it out if you're not a fan of the good old 'bol.

Week 4-6: Sustanon 250 & Deca 200mg
(Still inject every 5th day)

Week 7-11: Win 50mg, Tren 75mg (Inject on every 3th day)

Note that the Sus 250 has an active half life of over 3 weeks. This allows you to drop it completley for the end of the cycle with a nice slowdown in Test. The decrease in Test helps with our appetites to diet for the final 4 fat burning weeks.

Thats right, you need to adjust your routine now (Week 7-11).
Eat clean without too much of a calorie surplus and shift focus to cardio with less intense lifting sessions, i.e. lower the weights, increase the reps.

post cycle therapy (pct):

Week 8-10: HCG
Front load with 1500ui, perhaps 3 days later a second time depening on how bad it is, followed by 500ui every 3th day for about 3 weeks or until the issue seems resolved.
Do not run HCG after your cycle ends. And beware, HCG can cause gyno, always have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand just in case.

Week 12-16: The actual post cycle therapy (pct)
post cycle therapy (pct) often differs due to personal preferences, need and the ammount of gear that has been used. Heres just a sample of what I might'd use. But by no means does this make my post cycle therapy (pct) "right" and something else "wrong".
Thats why its importnant that you start cycling easy with just Test to see how YOU react.

Day 1: 100mg Clomid
Day 2-11: 60mg Clomid
Day 12-28: 40mg Clomid

You can absolutley throw in Adex or some sort of Aromatase inhibitor (AI), you can also run Nolva instead of Clomid or both.
Your body, your cycle, your post cycle therapy (pct). Amen

Another thing are SERMS and AIs during the cycle. Depending on how sensitive you are towards gyno you might need a SERM or even an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if things go bad. Its strongly recommended to at least have them on hand.
Personally I always run a low dose of 10mg Nolva EoD and increase that accordingly if need be. But these are such low doses, most would not even think about using any. Its up to you. I just like some extra insurance.

Proviron is another great thing to add, its gyno killing effects are argued about but at the very least it helps fighting those nasty fat cells and keeps the wife happy. I like 25mg ED or EoD. Especially in this cycle it would help a great deal during the last 4 weeks.

Ok, respect if you read this far. Maybe this gives you an idea on what to do with all that gear you got sitting around.

Summing it up:

Hard training and solid diets make up your progress. The gear is just there to speed things up. Thats how it should be used in my opinion.
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i think u should be making it clear to the "newbies" that this is not a cycle for beg users....

first cycles should be test only.. ur adding dbol, deca, Winstrol (winny) and tren.. that's 2 19-nors in one cycle.. though they are seperated... tren itself shouldn't be used untill the 4th or 5th cycle..

you also said that they should inject the tren e3d... im guessing its tren e?? cuz tren a should be injected ed or at the least eod so your blood levels stabilize.. if they go up and down your more likely to get sides...

also, instead of shocking your body with high dosages of hcg at the end of ur cycle you should be running it 250iu x twice a week to keep urself from shutting down..

also the half life of Sustanon (sust) is 18 days.. not over 3 weeks...

you should also add that a person with higher bf shouldn't run a cycle like this.. or any cycle at all..

you also said ur running heavier gear into lighter gear.. but tren is the heaviest gear u can run and its at the end of your cycle.. (which i dont think is a prob personally)

not trying to flame but there's more to it then what your saying here.. the cycle is great and all, but its not for newbies...
Yea I said advanced beginners, looking back intermediate would have been the better term, def not for total noobs. Maybe a admin can edit the title ?
I did mentioned to run Test only and easier cycles but didnt stress it enough.

Good point about the BF, forgot about it. Fixed. I guess I should also state that the ammount of fat that is usually cut with this is around 5lbs-7lbs. this is to harden up and get the most out of something thats already there.

Sus is 18 days just looked it up, oh well, it works in it works in practice, lets leave it at that. :) Also keep the ammount of Test from the HCG in mind which gets kick started in here.
I'm one who preferes kick starting the HCG towards the end, total prevention is of course possible.

Thanks for your input, I'm new to the internet as you can tell. Thinking about it I do feel kinda stupid for labling it as "beginners" considering actual beginners do have access to this thread, normally I wouldnt talk about Tren around a rookie.

Fixed a few things now and will try to elaborate better next time.
hey iv done the end of cycle shock therapy too dont get me wrong.. it works and all.. but prevention seems to work better...

its a great thread... im glad ur in here and quickly sharing info... stick around.. get to know people and share the knowledge... welcome to ology...
hey iv done the end of cycle shock therapy too dont get me wrong.. it works and all.. but prevention seems to work better...

its a great thread... im glad ur in here and quickly sharing info... stick around.. get to know people and share the knowledge... welcome to ology...

much appreciated