Advanced cycle critique test p/test e/deca/dbol


Throwing Cookies
Last cycle was test/tren/mast
I've ran tren 2 cycles so while I have experience w/ 19nors, I've never ran deca and this will also be my first time running dbol.

Stats:6'3 250 been lifting for 4 years and cycling about 3 of those.
Planning to go back on carb cycle for this run.

I have ~25 ml of test prop left over and I don't ever plan to run a short ester again. So here's the plan:
Weeks 1-3 test p. 150mg eod
Weeks 4-5 test p 150mg eod & test e 250 mon/thurs
Weeks 6-12 test e 250/deca 300 mon/thurs
Weeks 12-16 test e 250/deca 300 mon/thurs 50mg dbol ed
T3 weeks 3-16 100mcg/day
Clen ramp up to 120mcg & I will begin keto after 2 weeks.
12.5 aromasin ed
2 doses of 250iu of hgc per week
Looking for help w getting caber and the dosage
Haha. I misread you dosing I thought it was only 300 per week BUT look like its 600 so thats perfect.

Its look pretty good all around. Only thing id change is Id start your Test E right off the bat with the Prop. If you do it the way you have layed out the prop is gonna be gone before the Enth kicks in. Use the Prop as you would any other kicker. Start them both at the same time at the dose you have there and by the time the Props gone the Enth will be in full swing.

Also, a DA (Caber or Prami) is not a must as is an AI. Keep the DA on hand if you experience any prolactin side but you might be ok and not need it. Not all, but a lot of times if you keep E2 under control prolactin follows.

And Dbol at the end! Thats cool man ive ran orals at the tail end before and its great.

Thats my .02
Appreciate the advice! i'll run the test e from week 1. I have prami on hand but it kills my sleep patterns. I've never ran caber and was interested to try the difference this time running a 19nor. I just don't know where to find it yet.