Advanced Stealth busted in Bangkok.


Steroid blogger.
( This story has yet to be covered by the mainstream English language press either in Thailand or the West. I suspect that means there's more busts to come )

Translation of steroid bust story.

สธ 0.30 July - Dr. Pipat more free Secretary General of the Food and Drug Administration, said officials do. The Food and Drug Administration (), in cooperation with the police DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) of the United States. Police Narcotics. And Department of Customs Raid illegal drug producers in many of Bangkok Charoenkrung area. Advertising sales and customer sites. WWW. _ A STEALTH .COM. Supply around the world. Were produced medications sexual disability. Drug โด๊ป athletes. Drug Class strengthen muscles. Do not use cosmetics mixed seizure of numerous prosecutions send excess of 200 million U.S. spy known export value of U.S. $ 6-7 million per month. Severely punished and prosecuted both the highest and fine In the fake drug charges. Not a registered pharmacies recipe And selling drugs without permission. Charged with manufacture and sale of cosmetics mixed prohibited. And will expand the review of third-party sources offense next To protect consumers. Victim and not to Thailand illegally manufacturing source. If you find any source of income is expected to produce not legitimate. Drug suspects and were unsafe to use. Or see the advertisement of websites that sell illegal drugs. Asked to report complaints to the hotline do. Call 0.1556 to do. Will monitor the location hard to arrest and punish the guilty to go. .- Thai News Agency.

Translation of steroid bust story.

Do. Thalai producers "illegal drugs" downtown. After the U.S. Office of Narcotics Control report found drugs raid alarm hint sex drug โด๊ป cosmetics worth over 200 million owners are foreigners ....

Held on 30 more free U.c.npo. Pipat Secretary of the Food and Drug Administration () today announced the arrest of the largest illegal drug production since the arrest of illegal drug production is not valid The Conservation Area is Charoenkrung. Bangkok, namely that of the Oil. Has coordinated with police Narcotics Unit of the United States or DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), Police Headquarters Narcotics. And the Customs Department has a clue that a major illegal drug production in Bangkok. Investigation was therefore conducted. The illegal production and sale of drugs. Send both domestic and international distribution. By advertising through the site. WWW. _A STEALTH. COM. After you complete information. It plans to arrest In the afternoon of 30 July last.

MD. Pipat said the arrest of this officer do. Along with the police anti-drug And customs officers. Have to raid a house number and three Sudprasert Soi 7, Bangkok appears Bangklo find a place to manufacture modern medicine without permission. In the home also found fewer paper plate medications for erectile dysfunction eat and found the counterfeit drug companies also found that the Pentagon has put cosmetics prohibited substances. Look like cream in tubes. Labelling cosmetics and incorrect Several items. Police also seized drugs and cosmetics center of all As well as chemical raw material manufacturing machinery punch tablet capsule, accounting for approximately 200 million Baht

Do Secretariat. Said that in the analysis of cosmetics will find dangerous substances used in illegal. Sam is now the owner of the investigation that the product abroad. However, Thai people do contract manufacturing The effect that expansion. These sites are add people to foreigners. Numerous products. Be sent via parcel post to most countries. Exports worth around 6-7 million per month. The prosecution informed of the offense very seriously.

Of Py. Viravan Deputy Secretary-General's Glass melon do. Do not say that. To monitor the illegal production and sales of cosmetics and invalid. Law continued and close Let consumer confidence in the operations of the Oil aggressive. To monitor the safety of consumers in drug use. And cosmetics And do not let the guilty be free Remind people not believe the drug ads that pretend various Through websites. If the producers were not making any legitimate. Asked to report complaints to the hotline do. Call 0.1556 to do. Will monitor the location hard to arrest and punish the guilty to go.

Translation of steroid bust story.

Do. Louis police with DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) of the United States, Police and Customs Raid illegal drug producers in many of Bangkok. Charoenkrung row area. Advertising sales and customer sites. Supply around the world. Were produced medications sexual disability. Drug โด๊ป athletes. Drug Class strengthen muscles. Do not use cosmetics mixed seizure of numerous prosecutions send excess of 200 million U.S. spy known export value of 6-7 million per month. Severely punished and prosecuted both the highest and fine In the fake drug charges. Not a registered pharmacies recipe And selling drugs without permission. Charged with manufacture and sale of cosmetics mixed prohibited. And will expand the review of third-party sources offense next To protect consumers. Victim and not to Thailand illegally manufacturing source.

MD. Pipat more free Secretary-General of the Food and Drug Administration and Py. Viravan Glass melon Deputy Secretary General of the Food and Drug Administration. Joint statement to reporters that Policy clearance to manufacture and sell health products illegal to put an end to. From Thailand's Ministry of Health (Mr. Jurin icon Wisit) The Food and Drug Administration () to meet strict guidelines. For consumer protection and security. And the investigation found that the illegal production and sale of drugs. Send both domestic and international distribution. By advertising through the site. xWW._ ASTEALTHx. COM. It was planning to arrest

Today (30 Jul 53) Oil officials. Coordinate with the police anti-drug And customs officers. To raid a house number, and three Sudprasert Soi 7, Bangkok appears Bangklo find a place to manufacture modern medicine without permission. Production and tablets and injection drug classes are building muscle. Drug โด๊ป athletes. Medications disability sexual drug a haze to find paper plate medications disability and gender for eating and found the fake drugs in other companies also find cosmetics add substances prohibited from using nature as cream in the tube. Labelling cosmetics and incorrect Many many items.

Police also seized the central drug and cosmetics all produced in house such as well as raw chemicals, machinery equipment manufacturer stamp tablet capsule, accounting for approximately 200 million U.S. for cosmetics will be sent analysis for hazardous substances are not allowed in Cosmetics with ownership in the product abroad. We discovered, but the Thai manufacturing operations. And the expansion of the mind that such sites have people to foreigners. Add numerous products. Be sent via parcel post to most countries. Exports worth around 6 -7 million per month.

The prosecution informed of the offense charged in the production strictly modern medicine without permission. With imprisonment not exceeding five years and a fine not exceeding one thousand baht, or both, production of fake drugs from three years imprisonment to life and a fine from 10,000 to 50,000 baht and drug production without the registration recipe With imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fine not exceeding $ 5,000 or both. Crime in the cosmetic Informed alleging counterfeit cosmetics. With imprisonment not exceeding six months or a fine not exceeding 30,000 baht, or both, cosmetics labels do not display correctly. With imprisonment not exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding 20,000 baht, or both. If not detected substance use in cosmetics. Is imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding 60,000 baht, or both.

Py. Viravan Glass, Deputy Secretary General Tang's Oil. "Continued that do. To monitor production and distribution of illicit drugs and cosmetics invalid. Law continued and close Let consumer confidence in the operations of the Oil aggressive. To monitor the safety of consumers in drug use. And cosmetics And do not let the guilty be free Remind people not believe the drug ads, especially pretentious boasting about treating erectile dysfunction slack. Through websites. May be at risk of harm from the body. And will not allow foreign manufacturers to use Thailand as a production location. Health law certainly If you find any source of income is expected to produce not legitimate. Drugs were suspected and Unsafe to use. Or see the advertisement of websites that sell illegal drugs. Asked to report complaints to the hotline do. Call 0.1556 to do. Will monitor the location hard to arrest and punish the guilty to go.
That is scary because it says some of the counterfeit steroids were unsafe to use and made improperly. Steroids are legal here in Thailand but a lot of the AAS products are fakes and contain no real testosterone. I have had a lot of trouble finding good injectable testosterone here. I think your best bet in Thailand is to find a certified pharmacist and order AAS products made in Germany or from a reliable lab. I am using Muscle Tech test and Arimidex with Bayer Proviron and Thai Danabol. I feel these products are real. Before I was using Depo-Test and Unigen Life Sciences and I feel they were bunk. Lots of counterfeit stuff in Thailand. Just goes to show you should always do your homework and go through reliable sources because there is fake stuff out there that can harm your body if you use it.
..if they were sellng junk ---------fuck em.
If they were legit...tough racket eh ? jail in Thailand probly like jail in South America..better them than me.
Thanks for the info. AS sucked anyway. Despite steroids being legal in Thailand, I had heard their customs was catching a lot of stuff before it ever left Thailand.
I've known of A-S for a long time. The are selective scammers and the shit they did sell was junk. They got what the deserved.
what do you mean by selective scammers ?

Well back when I entered this game I put in an order with A-S...
Packs came "seized" tried two more times to two different addresses. Came siezed also....Found some seizure letters people had posted online. Mine that I received in the packs sure didn't look official like the letters I found posted online. I think those dicks sent the packs out with bogus seizure letters.

I-steroids pushed their gear hard. They erased a lot of posts complaining about the same issue...

Anyway that's the impression I got. I-steroids erased all complaints also about a-s gear being harsh as hell.

It was all a big scam IMO.
Well back when I entered this game I put in an order with A-S...
Packs came "seized" tried two more times to two different addresses. Came siezed also....Found some seizure letters people had posted online. Mine that I received in the packs sure didn't look official like the letters I found posted online. I think those dicks sent the packs out with bogus seizure letters.

I-steroids pushed their gear hard. They erased a lot of posts complaining about the same issue...

Anyway that's the impression I got. I-steroids erased all complaints also about a-s gear being harsh as hell.

It was all a big scam IMO.

EXACT same thing happened to me.
That is scary because it says some of the counterfeit steroids were unsafe to use and made improperly. Steroids are legal here in Thailand but a lot of the AAS products are fakes and contain no real testosterone. I have had a lot of trouble finding good injectable testosterone here. I think your best bet in Thailand is to find a certified pharmacist and order AAS products made in Germany or from a reliable lab. I am using Muscle Tech test and Arimidex with Bayer Proviron and Thai Danabol. I feel these products are real. Before I was using Depo-Test and Unigen Life Sciences and I feel they were bunk. Lots of counterfeit stuff in Thailand. Just goes to show you should always do your homework and go through reliable sources because there is fake stuff out there that can harm your body if you use it.

I bet they would say that about any UGL getting busted.
I have bought some gear from them little while ago and now that their website is down I can't figure out the color code bar for the gear I got
I have Testosterone cyp D-bol and test Prop as a gift from them
here are the colors on the bottom of the bottles i received red dot. light blue dot and another bottle with red and dark blue dot. If you have their color code please help me figure it out thank you very much.
I have bought some gear from them little while ago and now that their website is down I can't figure out the color code bar for the gear I got
I have Testosterone cyp D-bol and test Prop as a gift from them
here are the colors on the bottom of the bottles i received red dot. light blue dot and another bottle with red and dark blue dot. If you have their color code please help me figure it out thank you very much.

Well, I have the same problem with some of their other products but i know for fact that the Red dot is Test prop, Blue is Test cyp and the d-bol is blue/red. I dont know what everyone else received but all their gear was really good. infact my intire gym was using these guys all with good results. I dont know maybe they scam some and not others. I ordered 4 times always arrived.