Hi guys,
I'm 45 yo, 6’3”, 220 lbs, 23%bf, never cycled before, lifting for 18 mos, baseline 340 ng/dL test level
I’ve been researching AAS usage for the past 6 months, talk to doctors, friends, follow forums like this one, etc and I’ve recently decided to take the plunge…or more accurately, dip a toe in the water.
I am planning to start 250mg/wk of test e for 10 weeks.
Starting low and simple for my first cycle, just hoping to see test levels get to the 1000-1400 ng/dL range. Round two could be something different, but I prefer to be cautious this round.
First things first, checkout the bf% above, I’m obviously not a bodybuilder.
I’m an average white collar guy who travels 50% for work, have a family and my time is rarely my own.
I have been working my way up to 4 meals/day and a total of around 3000 calories.
I am targeting a 40/40/20 split on protein/carbs/fat…so about 300g protein, 300g carbs and 100g fat.
With travel, client dinners, etc I don’t always have access to buy groceries or prepare food.
When I’m not traveling I work from home and have much more freedom to add/control my meals.
1 hour Wendler cycles, 3 times/wk, focused on flat bench, back squats and deadlift now, then incline, push press, front squats in January. Saturdays I get two hours to pick 2 of bi/tris, back, cleans, snatch, thrusters, etc with my lifting partner.
Goals (in this order)
1. Looks - I want to better "see" my results, or better yet, I want others to see the results. I’m not talking 20-40 lbs in 3 months, but maybe adding 20 lbs of muscle and dropping 5% bf over the next year?!? You guys know better than me what I can expect at a low dose like this.
2. Strength - I’d like to raise my 1RMs by ~20% across the board. My current 1RM are below, after 18 months of consistent workouts (preceded by 12 years of weighing my couch down).
a. Deadlift – 415
b. Squat – 280
c. Bench – 220
d. Power Clean – 160
e. Push Press - 160
3. Endurance…After 5-10 minutes of Crossfit, I'm spent and it’s a total grind beyond that. I was thinking this would improve after 6 months but it hasn't.
4. Overall Health - I'd like higher energy, higher libido, better metabolism. I don’t need to feel like a teenager, but feeling 45 all day sucks…I’m hoping for 28-32?
My doctor won't script but will monitor, if I need Nolvadex or something, he'll step in.
Finally, I’ve been told 100-250mg are common TRT prescriptions and this may not be anything one needs to “cycle” (granted 250mg is on the high end). Should I leave room at the end of my 10 weeks to re-evaluate based on how my body handles this, my blood work, temperament, etc, whether I start pct or get another vial? I’m very interested on opinions on this as a side topic. Is a 250mg dose of test used in perpetuity a bad idea if I’m monitoring levels?
Thanks so much in advance for any responses, as a newbie, I value any advice you can offer.
I'm 45 yo, 6’3”, 220 lbs, 23%bf, never cycled before, lifting for 18 mos, baseline 340 ng/dL test level
I’ve been researching AAS usage for the past 6 months, talk to doctors, friends, follow forums like this one, etc and I’ve recently decided to take the plunge…or more accurately, dip a toe in the water.
I am planning to start 250mg/wk of test e for 10 weeks.
Starting low and simple for my first cycle, just hoping to see test levels get to the 1000-1400 ng/dL range. Round two could be something different, but I prefer to be cautious this round.
First things first, checkout the bf% above, I’m obviously not a bodybuilder.

I’m an average white collar guy who travels 50% for work, have a family and my time is rarely my own.
I have been working my way up to 4 meals/day and a total of around 3000 calories.
I am targeting a 40/40/20 split on protein/carbs/fat…so about 300g protein, 300g carbs and 100g fat.
With travel, client dinners, etc I don’t always have access to buy groceries or prepare food.
When I’m not traveling I work from home and have much more freedom to add/control my meals.
1 hour Wendler cycles, 3 times/wk, focused on flat bench, back squats and deadlift now, then incline, push press, front squats in January. Saturdays I get two hours to pick 2 of bi/tris, back, cleans, snatch, thrusters, etc with my lifting partner.
Goals (in this order)
1. Looks - I want to better "see" my results, or better yet, I want others to see the results. I’m not talking 20-40 lbs in 3 months, but maybe adding 20 lbs of muscle and dropping 5% bf over the next year?!? You guys know better than me what I can expect at a low dose like this.
2. Strength - I’d like to raise my 1RMs by ~20% across the board. My current 1RM are below, after 18 months of consistent workouts (preceded by 12 years of weighing my couch down).
a. Deadlift – 415
b. Squat – 280
c. Bench – 220
d. Power Clean – 160
e. Push Press - 160
3. Endurance…After 5-10 minutes of Crossfit, I'm spent and it’s a total grind beyond that. I was thinking this would improve after 6 months but it hasn't.
4. Overall Health - I'd like higher energy, higher libido, better metabolism. I don’t need to feel like a teenager, but feeling 45 all day sucks…I’m hoping for 28-32?

My doctor won't script but will monitor, if I need Nolvadex or something, he'll step in.
Finally, I’ve been told 100-250mg are common TRT prescriptions and this may not be anything one needs to “cycle” (granted 250mg is on the high end). Should I leave room at the end of my 10 weeks to re-evaluate based on how my body handles this, my blood work, temperament, etc, whether I start pct or get another vial? I’m very interested on opinions on this as a side topic. Is a 250mg dose of test used in perpetuity a bad idea if I’m monitoring levels?
Thanks so much in advance for any responses, as a newbie, I value any advice you can offer.