Advice for a Newbie, non-bodybuilder?


New member
Hi guys,

I'm 45 yo, 6’3”, 220 lbs, 23%bf, never cycled before, lifting for 18 mos, baseline 340 ng/dL test level

I’ve been researching AAS usage for the past 6 months, talk to doctors, friends, follow forums like this one, etc and I’ve recently decided to take the plunge…or more accurately, dip a toe in the water.

I am planning to start 250mg/wk of test e for 10 weeks.

Starting low and simple for my first cycle, just hoping to see test levels get to the 1000-1400 ng/dL range. Round two could be something different, but I prefer to be cautious this round.

First things first, checkout the bf% above, I’m obviously not a bodybuilder. :-)
I’m an average white collar guy who travels 50% for work, have a family and my time is rarely my own.

I have been working my way up to 4 meals/day and a total of around 3000 calories.
I am targeting a 40/40/20 split on protein/carbs/fat…so about 300g protein, 300g carbs and 100g fat.
With travel, client dinners, etc I don’t always have access to buy groceries or prepare food.
When I’m not traveling I work from home and have much more freedom to add/control my meals.

1 hour Wendler cycles, 3 times/wk, focused on flat bench, back squats and deadlift now, then incline, push press, front squats in January. Saturdays I get two hours to pick 2 of bi/tris, back, cleans, snatch, thrusters, etc with my lifting partner.

Goals (in this order)
1. Looks - I want to better "see" my results, or better yet, I want others to see the results. I’m not talking 20-40 lbs in 3 months, but maybe adding 20 lbs of muscle and dropping 5% bf over the next year?!? You guys know better than me what I can expect at a low dose like this.
2. Strength - I’d like to raise my 1RMs by ~20% across the board. My current 1RM are below, after 18 months of consistent workouts (preceded by 12 years of weighing my couch down).
a. Deadlift – 415
b. Squat – 280
c. Bench – 220
d. Power Clean – 160
e. Push Press - 160
3. Endurance…After 5-10 minutes of Crossfit, I'm spent and it’s a total grind beyond that. I was thinking this would improve after 6 months but it hasn't.
4. Overall Health - I'd like higher energy, higher libido, better metabolism. I don’t need to feel like a teenager, but feeling 45 all day sucks…I’m hoping for 28-32? :-)

My doctor won't script but will monitor, if I need Nolvadex or something, he'll step in.

Finally, I’ve been told 100-250mg are common TRT prescriptions and this may not be anything one needs to “cycle” (granted 250mg is on the high end). Should I leave room at the end of my 10 weeks to re-evaluate based on how my body handles this, my blood work, temperament, etc, whether I start pct or get another vial? I’m very interested on opinions on this as a side topic. Is a 250mg dose of test used in perpetuity a bad idea if I’m monitoring levels?

Thanks so much in advance for any responses, as a newbie, I value any advice you can offer.
Welcome. dont think 250 mg per week for a first cycle of test will do much for you. Did you read the stickies on first cycle? have you had or are you planning blood works?
I did read the stickies, tons of good information in there...and most state 400-500 mg for a first cycle, I did see that. I guess I assume most are looking for more aggressive results than I am?!?

I did have my baseline blood work done and will get it rechecked every 3-4 weeks.
Additionally, if my blood work stays in line, maybe I would stick with it longer than 10 weeks for longer, slower gains? I know of a couple of guys who prefer that to larger dose cycles and I haven't found much reading on that approach.
Hi T Mack. I have been reading this site for a while but never posted. Your post interested me because of the similarity. I'm 46 now and just started testosterone cypionate in June. I'm still overweight, but it has helped a lot. Using 200 mg/ week I've dropped 25 lbs and dramatically increased my weight lifting. I'm not sure how much is the test and how much is the renewed focus on fitness that I adopted after I strated taking the test, but I think it helps a ton. The only other thing I am taking is Anastrozle 1mg / week. Good luck.
Sorry but you wont gain 20lbs of muscle un a year even on 1000mg of test 250 is not gonna do much either. Test alone wont put on that much muscle especially at your age i struggle and like 7 years younger than you. Think long term real muscle takes years and years. And dont be fooled your not gonna get all big and muscular if you take 500mg lol
I did read the stickies, tons of good information in there...and most state 400-500 mg for a first cycle, I did see that. I guess I assume most are looking for more aggressive results than I am?!?

more 'aggressive results' , what would you consider more aggressive results ?

If you lost 5% of your BF (say 10 lbs) , and you got down to 210 lbs , then you took enough testosterone to add on 6 lbs of muscle (minus added water and muscle glycogen stores), that would put you at 216 pounds

^ that imo would be very good results and probably require an 'aggressive' protocol to accomplish . like 49er referred to , , your not going to take 800mg of test for 10 weeks and suddenly turn into a muscle bound body builder. You'll be lucky after its all said and done to hold on to maybe 6 pounds at best.**

** a possibility though is you could be a hyper-responder to test , which usually happens to guys that have had low low testosterone levels for all of their life,, and when they first take exogenous test , even at moderate dosages, it becomes super-physiological and yields pretty dramatic results (I gained 30 pounds on my first cycle, which was just test at 250mg, and maintained 12% bf; but I had low low low test levels for 35 years).

you may just want to consider TRT with your test levels where they are .. or , you may just go for a true 'first cycle' and run a good 500mg of test for 10 weeks ,, thats not really all that aggressive
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Sorry but you wont gain 20lbs of muscle un a year even on 1000mg of test 250 is not gonna do much either. Test alone wont put on that much muscle especially at your age i struggle and like 7 years younger than you. Think long term real muscle takes years and years. And dont be fooled your not gonna get all big and muscular if you take 500mg lol

Cmon man, Ive seen picture of
Sorry but you wont gain 20lbs of muscle un a year even on 1000mg of test 250 is not gonna do much either. Test alone wont put on that much muscle especially at your age i struggle and like 7 years younger than you. Think long term real muscle takes years and years. And dont be fooled your not gonna get all big and muscular if you take 500mg lol

Cmon man, I saw ads that say I can gain 20 lbs of lean muscle in 90 days using supplements at GNC. :)

On a serious note, 20lbs of muscle is definately possible in a year. Look at some of these IFBB pros. Granted, they spend more thatn I make in a year on gear alone not to mention supplements and food but don't say its not
Cmon man, I saw ads that say I can gain 20 lbs of lean muscle in 90 days using supplements at GNC. :)

On a serious note, 20lbs of muscle is definately possible in a year. Look at some of these IFBB pros. Granted, they spend more thatn I make in a year on gear alone not to mention supplements and food but don't say its not
Those IFBB Pros are sponsored to become what they are and maintain their look and their bodies take a heavy toll due to this. Thats their job.
Think about that.
There is no magic pill. Hard work, training, proper diet, and a better informed head on your shoulder will get you the results you want.
sad part is that even if you do get those 20 pounds, then what? 20 more pounds and 20 more so on and so forth, when will it be enough? your heart/inner organs will not last long, trust me.
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wheres your head buddy? Those IFBB Pros are sponsored to become what they are and maintain their look and their bodies take a heavy toll due to this. This about that.
There is no magic pill. Hard work, training, proper diet, and a better informed head on your shoulder will get you the results you want.
sad part is that even if you do get those 20 pounds, then what? 20 more pounds and 20 more. your heart/inner organs will not last long, trust me.

It was just a joke lol. :Poke:
It was just a joke lol. :Poke:

These are people's lives were dealing with and alot of younger and highly impressionable members around who will believe ANYTHING they read here posted by ANYONE so its best to be precise.
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Thank you all for your input, I value your experience more than you can appreciate!

Roush and 49er, it sounds like I need to check my goals, assuming my body has a normal reaction to test. As Roush breaks it down, I guess my stated goal was to go from 220# and 23%bf to maybe 230# and 18% over the course of a year? I guess when put that way, it sounds aggressive. What sort of results would you guys typically expect?