New member
hey just wanted to thank everyone in advance. I am 19 years old 5'10" and 160 pounds. I was 185 pounds at my peak and i was a lot stronger but my diet was horrible and it was showing. I like the fact that i lost a lot of wieght because i am skinnier now but i would like to build some muscle mass and gain about 20 pounds. Ive been working out off and on for the last few years but i am finally buckling down and am trying to start a good routine. I have searched around this forum for the last few days and you guys really know what you are talking about and i think you can help me. I was wondering if you could give me help on gaining muscle mass and also a good diet so i can reach my goal. For the last week i have been doing animal stack and drinking protein shakes but i obvioulsy dont know what im doing. Any help in putting me in the right direction would be apprciated. thanks again.