Advice me on my first cycle

Hi i am 22 year old and i want to do an anavar only cycle. My weight is 155 lbs. and my body fat is 18%. I want to do a anavar only cycle + pct. 50 mg anavar for 8 weeks and 50 mg clomid/ 3 weeks everyday. It is my first cycle. Please guide me on will it suppress my testosterone to a major extent. I need your valuable advise. And what other medicines should i take to avoid any side effects.
Unless you have a vagina no oral only cycles.

Plus your on the young side 25 is the age recomended here. Your still growing and probably not fully developed and plus you can still make great gains if you learn to diet and train properly. Take the money and hit up 3j top right of your screen he will get you squared away.

That bring said you need test as a base because your HPTA will shut down.

Read this:

Read it all and all the links in it

And the come back with your questions
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Read the thread I provided you so you know what your getting into. Its all explained in there. No spoon feeding here.

Educate before you medicate
Same thing everyone else said. First, you're too young even if you weighed 180lbs. Wait until at a minimum 25 and after. Second, try to maximize your natural potential first. Third, if you have money for gear, you have money for a nutritionist, and have a trainer build a training routine for you, and to take you through it once to show you pace, intensity, etc.
Why Anavar?

I'm really curious. Not knowing much about you at all. I am just curious why Anavar is what you are focused on. Everyone is going to tell you that you are too young. And if you were not we would tell you to try a test only cycle first. Are you focused on loosing weight?