Advice needed for 20 year old


New member
(If you are not in the mood to read all the info stuff, please see the last line for the main question)

I am 20 years old and have done 2 cycles before. The 2nd was good and planned out well and worked exactly how I wanted it to. The 1st was a misinformed waste of time I let a dumbass friend of mine talk me into.

I asked advice about starting a bulking cycle and well cause of my age was advised against juicing completely and stopping all current usage.

As I'm sure most of you realize, simply accepting that I am too young and stopping all using for another 3 or 4 years aint so easy when you basically had your heart set out on it and had your goals clear cut. My plan from the beginning was to cut for one cycle then bulk up on the next and then simply try and maintain what I had gained as much as I could naturally with hopes that I could maintain 60% of the bulk gains and with my diet pretty clean already, be able to keep the body fat at its current 13%.

I train very hard and smart. I plan my routines and always try to think about what I am doing during the exercises. Ive been training for 5 years now so I think in that regard, ive got the experience. I weighed nearly 300lbs when I first started (obese kid) and now weigh 198lbs. Most of the weight I shed in the last 3 years as I improved my knowledge on nutrition and training. Current stats are:

Max bench: 290lbs
Max squat: 340lbs (Think I would be able to do more but had a knee injury in rugby when I was younger than had to be surgically fixed due to me being over weight)
Max deadlift: 420lbs
(These were all about 30-40lbs lighter prior to the juicing)

The cutting cycle ( 50mg/day Winstrol (winny) and 40mg/day Anavar) (Not the best cycle to go on but it worked), helped me lose the last 8-10lbs I was struggling with on my torso.

(Sorry for the long story but I want an informed response)

So back to the point, I really wanted to go on the bulking cycle to gain about 20-30lbs of muscle on my frame to improve my rugby (weight is a big deal in this sport). But after all I've read, Im no longer convinced its a good idea but a large part of me still wants this bulking cycle(dbol 50mg/day:3 weeks, test-e 600mg/week:15 weeks and equi 600mg/week:15 weeks) because I planned it to be my last in any case for a number of years.

So basically my question is, at my age but considering that I have had two cycles already, will this one more cycle have a high possibility of impacting my long term health more so than the 2 I have already done (in terms of being able to have kids and having normal endocrine function) (Not so worried about my height as I am much taller than both my parents although shorter than my younger brother but he overtook me 4 years ago.) or should I just simply find a way to except what I got now and suck it up?

I appreciate any and all responses.
Any use of AAS has the possi ilith if long term effe ts on any given oerson. Apparently you have done research and learned from.previous mistakes but at such a young age you are trully playing with fire. While weightlifting has a possitive effect on the brain amd bkdy the use of AAS can in part be detremental. Know that effe ts of what will happen in the future will only be foretold bu the future and that you have already made a choice. To tell you now not to would be a mute point but it would be irrisponsible for anyone to tell you go a head and do so.

You seem well informed the cycle doea not seem bad but what is yoir PCT that shouldbhave been right after your cycle and that tella me thaf your very focused maybe too focused on yoir fains only and not the future realiatically. This is a choice that really you will havw to make. While no one or two or three cycles will effect some people we k ow all of us doing AAS that its a game of russian rullet. We all have gamvled and we all have taken the issues and the repercautions seriously and have put iur chips on the table along with our cards.

Just think about it for a bit more. Are you going to be a pro rugby player, do u think in 10 or 15 yrs that rugby will be a very inportant part of yoir lofe and if you cam say NO to that, then you really have to see if what could happen is worth it.

Good luck to you.
This topic could have 50 responses and most likely all of them will be people telling you that you're too young. That said, I don't know much about EQ, as I'm not yet keen on sticking myself more than 2cc a week (test)
You seem well informed the cycle doea not seem bad but what is yoir PCT?


The PCT I was planning on was Nolv 20/20/10/10/10 and chlomid 50/50/50/50

But yeah, old&stacked, I hear you and you do have very good points. I really don't intend on going pro at this stage of my life and for that reason, am not likely to ever consider it.

I have given this a lot of thought lately and the more I think about it, the less convinced I become.
It can just be a lil frustrating at times when I think about how long I've been training an I still aint happy with where I am... But then again, having read what I just wrote, perhaps I would only be juicing as an easier way out. Cause I will admit the last cycle got rid of the 8lbs in 4 weeks where as before that I had been trying to get rid of for about 9 months. And the 20-30lbs that this last one would give me in 15 weeks would take me a about 2 years going with how quickly Ive gained muscle mass so far.
But yes, this is just a short cut/lazy man way of thinking about it.

I don't think I will go through with it after all.

I appreciate the feedback
It's nice to see a younger guy who actually behaves like an adult and takes good advice instead of saying but, but, until someone gives him what he wants to hear. Good job OP ...I'm proud of you :)