Advice needed. prop. tren. dbol. wini.


New member
Hey everyone. Im new to this site but not new to steroids.
Starting a new cycle (3rd) tomorrow and wanted some advice.
So I have
30ml test prop at 100mg per ml
20ml tren acetate at 100mg per ml
100 dbol tab at 10mg per tab
50 wini/stana tab at 10mg per tab
6ml stanazol at 50mg per ml
Plenty of arimidex, nolva, clomid, proviron.
Also have 1000ml clen lol but doubt ill use.

Need advice on cycle, I only want to run a short cycle.
Technically not a standard 'short cycle' but 4 or 5 weeks.

Stats, 5"11 80kg bf 7%. Heaviest ive been is 90kg at 15%bf.
Training 9 years. Age 23. Sport my whole life.
Had 2, 1 yr breaks from gym in that time and lost serious size, stress and parties.
Been back training 9 months this year. I dont drink or do rec drugs anymore, diets in check.

Plan was this,
1-5. 0.8ml test prop ed (80mg)
1-5. 0.5ml tren ace ed (50mg)
1-3. 40mg dbol tabs ed
3-5. 20mg stan/wini tabs ed
5. 1ml stan inject ed (50mg)

Arimidex .5 eod

post cycle therapy (pct), nolva, clomid and proviron. (Its a mix tab rohm post cycle therapy (pct) tabs)

Any and all thoughts would be appreciated, no negative unless constructive.
Test prop takes 2-3 weeks to actual see results so technically you'll get 2-3 weeks of gains from the prop
Tren ace same thing about 2-3 weeks for effectiveness so again 2-3 weeks of tren gains
you will get some water weight from the dbol and with a good diet you can expect 2-3 lbs of LBM once everything is done.

My question to you is is it worth putting it into your system for such minimal results, I would say no
Test prop takes 2-3 weeks to actual see results so technically you'll get 2-3 weeks of gains from the prop
Tren ace same thing about 2-3 weeks for effectiveness so again 2-3 weeks of tren gains
you will get some water weight from the dbol and with a good diet you can expect 2-3 lbs of LBM once everything is done.

My question to you is is it worth putting it into your system for such minimal results, I would say no

I agree, thats not enough time to really get the gains from size or strength you would really want.

Not sure if your aware of short cycles and the benefits.
My cycle is modelled of the mega advanced half way down page
Ok so ive extended it to a 7 1/2 weeker.
Everything else staying the same.
Starting in a few hours. Is there anyone else with advice or input?

Not sure if your aware of short cycles and the benefits.
My cycle is modelled of the mega advanced half way down page

It was written in 2004 and how many replies in there state that they had an amazing short cycle since 2004...

Good luck with your cycle hope it works out well for you.
Thought id let you know how I went. Ended up doing 6 weeks as above except only ran stan for 1 week at the end and added 2 weeks anadrol @50mg.
1-6. 0.8ml prop ed
1-6. 0.5ml tren ace ed
1-2. 40mg dbol ed
3-4. 50mg anadrol ed
5-6. 30mg dbol
6. 20mg stan

Put on 12kgs lol.
Now about 8-9 weeks since finish have maintained 8.5kgs and am lean as shit. Abs, no water weight. Did smash anastrolze for 4 weeks after pct @.25mg ed.

I wouldnt doubt a short cycle if I was you. Although I wouldnt run such a heavy cycle again, due to anger, sleep loss/sweats and hunger pains. Id definitely go short cycles.
Oh and diet was 5000 calories food a day, 50/50 protein and carbs and 1000calories protein shakes.
Adios ;)