Advice on current and future cycle please


New member
Hi all,

Im new on this forum. My stats are:

Years of training - 11 years
Competing in bodybuilding - 6 years
Age 25
Height 6ft 2
Weight 100kg/220lbs
Bodyfat 5%

Im curently in the last week of contest so thats why my bf is so low.
I have quite a few cycles under my belt but the one I am currently running is:

Test prop 160mg p/d 1-15 weeks
Tren ace 90mg p/d 1-15 weeks
Dbol 100mg p/d 1-8 weeks
Stanzol 100mg p/d 8-15 weeks
Clen 7 drops EOD 8-15 weeks



I have had very little side effects from this. Diet is health, water intake is high, liver support dailey, salt low. The only sides I have experienced is night sweats which has long ago ended and the occasional tremmers from the clen. I have had no acne or much gyno. I found the little gyno I had went wheb my comp diet really started.

Ok so heres the BIG question! I have in the past ran hgh, decca and anadrol also, again with no probems. I want to run a short but strong 6-8 weeks cycle after I have had a 2 month break. This is what I had in mind:

Test eth 375mg EOD 1-8 weeks
Tren eth 200mg EOD1-8 weeks
Deca eth 200mg EOD 1-8 weeks
Dbol 100mg ED 1-8 weeks
Anadrol 100mg ED 1-8 weeks
HGH 5iu ED 1-8 weeks
Clen EOD 1-8 weeks


Nolvadex and HCG

I know this seems quite extreme but my thoughts are that if I was able to run the last cycle for 15 weeks with no concerns a short but strong cycle may be fine also. The test, tren, clen and dbols are similar to the cycle I am on now and the deca, anadrol and hgh is similar to what I have ran in the past with no issues.

Has anyone combined the two? What were your results? What sort of dose would be recommended for my height/weight?

From the cycle I am on now I have put on 5kgs of solid muscle. Any advice/tips/critism wpuod be appriciated. Thank you for your time. :-)
The first issue with this is if you are going to run a 6-8 week cycle you should be using fast esters like NPP instead of deca, prop instead of test e, tren ace not enth. Reason being is that the long esters will only hit there peak in 4-5 weeks and you would need to stop your cycle shortly after. You would not be maximizing the effects of the long ester compounds whoch is why long ester cycles ar erecommended for 10-12+ weeks.

My personal opinion if your gonna run a kicker like abombs or dbol use one or the other for max 6 weeks . My liver hurts just thinking of the combo for 8 weeks and my blood pressure would be through the roof into the unhealthy side.. ouch... just my .02
I personally have never ran npp and have only ever ran a short ester cycle twice a long time ago as I prefer the long esters so I will let someone else comment on the dosages. Also if you are gonna run 2 19-nor compounds (deca and tren) together make sure you have caber or prami on hand for prolactin sides.

As you've stated you have numerous cycles under your belt, listen to your body.. anyone can spit out dosages but its all about how you respond so use a base for dosages and do what your body tells ya in way of increasing and decreasing. You are the best judge of what you can use.
Definitly agree with you on the esters, thanks for the input! Any feedback on the dosage for the injections? Thanks.

Agree with Kazmir (man, I seriously can't stop staring at your avatar!) about the esters not jiving with your proposed cycle length. My question for you is WHY do you feel you need that much AAS to grow? You're 225, so I honestly think you could get away with half those doses. 1.312g of test/700mg of tren/700mg of deca/200mg of orals??!/AND clen? Obviously you know your body far better than I would, but that is a pretty extreme amount of AAS you're using man. Have you tried lower doses and seen if they're just as effective? Steroids are one of those things in life where more is not necessarily better.

My .02c :)
Thanks for the input guys! Haha i know what you mean about his avatar...seriously cant stop looling at it!
Over the years of taking different compounds I have steadily increased, mixed and matched and found some to agree with me and others not to. All the above mentioned in the past have been fine. I agree though, maybes it is a bit excessive running all of these together. What I hope to achieve is a blend which gives me the advantages of each compound.

Test for size and strength
Tren for power - immense power
Ditto with anadrol
Dbol for growth
Hgh for that extra 1-2% ;-)
Deca for the lubricant qualities

This is going to be an off season cycle and i want mass and power. I think the clen can be dropped, but I will reintroduce it as a pct as I have found it helps decrease cortisol.

The main issue I keep finding when searching similar threads and asking some of my bodybuildet mates down the gym is the mixing of the two - tren and decca, and dbol and anadrol. Would this be a big issue? What could happen? Im sorry about my ignorance on this, it is quite hard to find knowledge on this, as it is not often done. Please keep in mind I have ran these all seperate at this dose without any issues for much longer. I will be keeping my bf below 12% off season to reduce any sides. Bp will be kept low by doing cardio dailey also :-)

Does anyone know of anyone who has ran all of these together? Im honestly open to all opinions and by no means am I saying I am going to do this cycle and disregard your advice. I appriciate all of your inout and will definitly consider it. Thanks!
I've never honestly ran two 19-nors at the same time but have been quite curious about this myself. I asked someone else about this earlier and don't think they've replied yet. I'd imagine that prolactin would become an issue if caber/prami wasn't kept in check, but aside from that, I have no idea. I really do like the idea of tren and deca/npp in the same stack, but I am too chickenshit to try it out without hearing opinions on it first haha.

I do know however that running dbol and adrol at the same time is REALLY harsh on your liver and I would personally opt for one or the other. Or at least break them apart (good luck in an 8 week cycle) so you don't get hit with a double whammy. I agree, there isn't a lot of clear-cut information on this particular combination - I could ask my buds next time I'm in contact with them, but I have a feeling I'd just get some crazy shit talk as it's considered taboo to run this type of combination.

I definitely look forward to responses from some of the vets that have tried or at least have some insight into this. Good luck with your cycle! :)
Ok, this isan interesting concept. So when running both together you add them up to be the total cumulative sum!
Would this be the same for diananol and anadrol? I have been as high as 100mg with no problems with both of these orals. How about 50mg dbol and 50mg anadrol?

Does the hgh seem a good dose or would you suggest higher/lower? Thanks again everyone.
Honestly, you got good advice thus far. You kind of have your esters switched up. You need to run the long ester gear for at least 12 weeks in my opinion. I have never run 2 19-nor steroids together but I have known some guys that have. A lot of them get a shitty feeling while being on both at the same time. Of course this was with cycle dosages. I know some guys that run 100-200mg per week of deca just for the joint benefits, etc. I think that would be alright along with some tren in your case. However, like I always say, I am not a big fan of huge dosages. I believe guys can grow with half that amount of gear, etc. As for your HGH, 5ius per day is fine. That should help put on a little muscle and cut that body fat down. I use 3ius per day for maintenance, etc. I would do 10ius if I wanted to pack on some serious mass, etc. Make sure to get some Caber and run that at .5mg twice per week as well.
Hi guys,

Thanks for the great advice before and sorry about the late response. I have been structuring my new cycle for all to see soon :-) will be beginning in 10 weeks so will keep you all posted on results!

Ok one last question, I also have been doing some research in to insulin and IGF-1. Now I know insulin can be dangerous in the wrong hands but I class my self who is controlled and amart enough to not think more of thia stuff is better! I understand this has to be introduced slowly and at a very low doseage to see how the body will cope. My main questions are how much to start, how much to possibly go to and the best method of taking. I have read throughout the day with meals or first thing after a workout. I think i would prefer the after workout option woth plenty of fast acting carbs and protein! Im thinking about humalin-r as it is the safest and fast acting.

In regards to IGF-1 what doseage is recommend and methods?

On a final note some may lool at my posts anf think 'shit this guy is really gping crazy on the stacks/dose'. As mentioned befoee im 25, ran numerous cycles and feel secure enough to go to higher dosages and try new chemicals. I have worked my ass off the last year to be in a position that O can purshue my ambition of turing pro one day. I now train sevealr hours a day with adiquate nutrition breaks in between and can rest/train were others have to wwork (no offence).

Thanks you for your time again, and sorry of O came acorss as rude with the last statement. I really want to achieve my best :-)