Advice on current cycle please???


New member
I am fairly new on this forum and would like some advise? This will be my 5th cycle that I have done.
My goal is to try to put on some lean mass with this cycle.

My stats are:
Years of training over - 15 years on and off but stopped for the last two years...


I will be in the gym a solid 2 months before I hit my gear.This is what the cycle is going to look like.

Weeks 1-10:
- Testosterone (Enanthate) at 400-500mg/week
Weeks 1-8:
- Winstrol (injectable) at 50mg every other day

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) Nolvadex on hand just in case.
12wk 150/ED
13wk 100mg/ED
14wk 50mg/ED
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I would cut out the winstrol and run Anavar (var) instead. 8 weeks is too long to run Winstrol (winny). Your joints will be dried out. I suggest you work out longer than two months to strengthen your tendons and ligaments up before you jump on. I see no mention of an AI? Also that post cycle therapy (pct) looks terrible. Starting two weeks after your last pin, run nolva at 40/40/20/20 and clomid at 50/50/50/50. How is your diet?
I don't have access to Anavar (var) so I am kind of stuck with the Win. Would you recommend Deca for my joints?
My diet is pretty good! I will wait 3 or 4 months before I jump on! Also, I will change my PCT.. Many thanks for your option.
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I wouldnt run the test any lower than 500mgs, def scratch the Winstrol (winny) if it were me I would add dbol for the first 4 to 6 weeks at around 40mg ed to jump start your cycle and i would run the Anavar (var) too like Sardis suggested and if it were me i would take tren too but thats just me good luck
I would just drop the Winstrol (winny) completely. Deca would be great to add in to go with a lean bulk. Just keep your caloric intake above your maintainence and you should be good. I would run the test for 12-14 weeks and drop the deca two weeks before the test.
Thank you for all your help Sardis,
I will be dumping the Winstrol (winny) complete you're 100% correct the more research I have done! How does this sound?

Test E 1-14 wks 600 mg / wk.
Deca 1-12 wks 400 mgs /wk

PCT 2 wks after last pin
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva: 40/40/20/20
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Thank you for all your help Sardis,
I will be dumping the Winstrol (winny) complete you're 100% correct the more research I have done! How does this sound?

Test E 1-14 wks 600 mg / wk.
Deca 1-12 wks 400 mgs /wk

Should i use Arimidex as well?

PCT 2 wks after last pin
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva: 40/40/20/20

Honestly, this is your first cycle. You want to run just one compound. Running Test at 500mg per week for 12-14 weeks should be plenty for you. You want to see how you are reacting on testosterone by itself because it is the base of all cycles. PCT looks good. I personally would also throw in some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and run it at 250ius twice per week for up until your last test shot. PCT looks good now. If you are dead set on running Deca, I would get some Caber and run it at .5mg twice per week to keep prolactin levels in check, etc. And yes, use arimidex at .25mg EOD throughout the cycle.

Edit: Missed it is your 5th cycle.
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Rip he stated in his first post that this will be his 5th cycle.

FlSharkvictim that looks great. The only other thing I would do would be to run aromasin or adex for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and either prami or caber to combat the prolactin side effects.
Rip he stated in his first post that this will be his 5th cycle.

FlSharkvictim that looks great. The only other thing I would do would be to run aromasin or adex for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and either prami or caber to combat the prolactin side effects.

Just noticed that. Lol. I am getting old. Ha. Cycle looks good.