Advice on cutting diet?


New member
Hey guys, please give me some advice on my cutting diet, cardio 4-5 times a week (30-45 mins) in morning on empty stomach, lifting 4-5 days a week....this is really my first time cutting so any advice is appreciated, I dont wanna lose alot muscle...Thanks!

215 lbs
bf 15%

using it breaks down like this

cals 3656
fat 73
carbs 383 (are carbs too high?)
protein 349

8am 6 egg whites
8oz orange juice

1030am protein drink (been using musclemilk but should I switch to a lower fat protein?)

2pm chicken breast
sweet potato (plain)
green veg
16oz skim milk
1 cup non-fat yogurt

4pm protein drink

7pm chicken breast
green veg
16 oz skim milk
1 cup non-fat yogurt

10pm protein drink
protein is too high, id drop it down to 1.25g-1.5g tops.

id keep carbs at 1-1.5g per pound. You could probably go higher on workout days.

your fat intake is fine, just use it to fill in the calories left over from pro and carbs to meet your needs.

Id also keep the training days to 3. 4 at the most, but 5 is too much imo.

yogurt and milk are crap...all sugar. switch over to 1% cottage cheese: more protein, less sugar.

all this is assuming your natty.
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