Advice on my cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) suggestions

Furious Fred

New member
Advice on my cycle and PCT suggestions

Hey guys,

I'm 25 years old, 6'1'', 214 lbs, 14% BF. I plan on doing a competition in november, so I have 6 months of preparation ahead of me. My diet is very strict, no cheat meal. On a 6 days basis I eat 8 1/2 lbs of red meat, 4 lbs of chicken, 48 egg white, 8 egg, a lot of oats, 2 fish meal..... etc.. To sum it up, I eat a lot. I'm around 3000 kcal (from carbs and prot) a day.

I have a lot of fat IMO, my abs are nowhere to be seen. I'm the kind of guy that store fat easily... I think I'm on the Endomorph side.

So here's what I've decided to do with my cycle

I will run this for 15 weeks

Equipoise : 600 mg / week
Sustanon : 500 mg / week
Tren Acetate : 200 mg / week

I will do injections 2 times a week. I may also add some Testosteron suspension during this cycle at 50 mg / day... Would it be a good idea ?

Also, for my PCT, I don't really know what to do, but I need to use Proviron in it because I already own a full bottle. What else should I add and when ? I was thinking about nolvadex... !

So let me know guys ! I appreciate your help
I am by no means experienced. And Stand correcable obiously by any more experienced member here. But if you want my opinion, and thats all it is, here you go :

Your cycle stack will heavily supress your HPTA. A good bet might be to try and get some HCG into your cycle, maybe even PCT even though I think its more of an on cycle drug to use. Don't use it too much becuase if it's used too much it can also over-stimulate your HPTA. I'm unsue about doses, you will have to do your own research on that.

Maybe consider Clomid for PCT aswell. Its quite a decent HPTA stimulator once you have taken your last shot and the gear is out of your system. Since sustanon has about a 1.5 week half life. and 3 week active life.

Clomid I have read in " Building the Perfect Beast" that it can actually boost your IGF-1 to some extent, which is a benefit nolva does not provide. This is becuase of estrogen being deactivated in the liver, IGF-1 secretion results.

Just my 2 cents,

Like I said I stand correctable by any member who knows any better, and the above is simply my opinion along with some research.

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