Advice on steroids and building from this physique.


New member
Hello everyone

Firstly, i've been training for the past three years and i feel like i've come to a climax of which i can't progress on getting any leaner no matter how hard i try.
So i'm asking for some advice on possibly maybe using enhanced drugs to take my physique that one step further. It's been hard maintaining this current diet over these years, so would like
to know if there's any steroid that could help me in packing abit more muscle on whilst retaining this build-ish.

i'm 23, 6.2" and eat extremely healthy.

Any information shared, much appreciated. Thanks

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Wait, have you ever used AAS before? And kind of confused when you say you want to pack on muscle but become "leaner".'

If you haven't used AAS i recommend test enathate 500mg per week is usually the standard. Maybe take an oral to start your gains before the test really kicks in. And always do a post cycle therapy (pct) with an AI...If you have used AAS then you probably already know that...

IMO its easier to eat more and make sure your body can build as much muscle as possible rather than trying to gain as little fat as possible, then do a small cut. You are already really lean I would say 10% or less body fat so just eat man eat eat eat.