Advice on Test E 300 injection


New member
Hey guys

I recently took my first injection (.5mg) of Test E 300 with a .23 gauge on Saturday 21st in my right quad. It went fine, no blood or leakage and I thought all was fine until Sunday when it got a kind of swollen and sore. It wasn't red or hot, but it was warm and sensitive to pressure. Other than that you couldn't tell anything was wrong besides my trouble in walking. Anyway I'm 25, 5'11" and about 160-165lbs. I followed the proper procedure of using alcohol on the bottle, the needle, and my skin before and after injection. I also ended up getting hot and cold flashes all day Monday into Tuesday until I started taking Motrin which helped with that and the soreness a little. Now it's Thursday 1:48 A.M and I'm much better and a lot less sore than I was. However, I'm a little worried to do my next injection now because of how sore I got. Any advice on using a different spot or technique or something to make post-injections smoother or is this typical with first time injections?
Obviously don't pin the same leg for awhile. Rotate quads, deltas, glutes.. It's your first go around with AAS , your gonna get some sore injection sites, no biggy
I only get pip in the quads if I pin 2'cc+.. But absolutely no pip if I pin 1cc (my gear is pharmacy grade, so that could make a difference )
Fuck quad injections. I only use glutes, delts, and pecs from now on. I would get a decent amount of pip on my quads, not enough to stop me from walking but it was not worth it when all other sites are painless. If you are only injecting twice a week just use your delts and glutes to keep your injection sites fresh. Did you say you put alcohol on the needle? You don't need to do that if it is sterile. Just the top of the vial and the injection site need to be swabbed. What is up with guys lubing up needles and putting alcohol on them lol
Tury - you keep to pinning your pecs, I'll keep to pinning my quads, lol.. fuck pinning pecs man!
Guess we all have our own preferences :)

Op- also make sure the alcohol u swab on your skin has a bit of time to air dry, otherwise if u pin when it's wet you'll feel the burn
first cycles u are always gonna hurt...My second cycle i pinned quads all the time never get pip anymore..u get used to it..also if the gear is made right it makes a huge difference