Advice with Test EQ Anavar Winny cycle


New member
Hi everyone, this is my very first post on a forum of any kind even though I've been reading them like crazy for years.

I'm starting a cycle in a few weeks to hopefully get my physique to that next level that I haven't been able to reach for a long time.
I'll give you my basic stats:
I'm 5'5.5", 151lbs, around 10% body fat. I seem to fluctuate up and down every once in a blue moon too.
I've been active my whole life, wrestled six years, two were in college. After wrestling, I've been into body building ever since then for about 3.5 years.
I eat very clean, and only have about 1-2 beers a month for cheating.

My goal is to have the broad shouldered, ripped look that I've been after for so long. I seem to get close, but never reach it.
I appear and feel well built and big for my bone structure, and my goal isn't to put on more size, but if it comes with the cycle, I welcome it.

This will be my 3rd cycle, but it's been about 3 years since my last one. The cycles I ran back then were 10 weeks on EQ 600mg/wk and Oral Winny 300mg/wk. I was 19, knew almost nothing about body building, didn't even train legs or chest, and somehow had amazing results. After reading for years on forums it was easy to see that I was an idiot for not taking some kind of test as a base, and winny can damage joints if run for too long. However, I had great results, I seemed to have put on about 15lbs on cycle, and kept about 13 of them for good. (Keep in mind I was about 115lbs then) I also had almost ZERO sides. Teeny tiny bit of shrinkage around wk 5-6, but my boys bounced right back. Other than that, just more of an appetite.

I'm about to start another 10 week cycle with what I have:
Test Cyp Weeks 1-10 250mg/wk (125mg per inj, x2 per week as a base)
Equipoise Weeks 1-10 600mg/wk (300mg per inj, x2 per wek)
Anavar oral Weeks 1-5 10mg/day (seems underdosed, I know)
Winstrol oral Weeks 5-10 50mg/day
Nolva PCT

I'm open to any and all advice, and I want to thank anyone in advance for taking the time to help me. These forums have been so great to many in the past, and I hope to get some help myself. PS. it seems as though 50% of people love EQ, 50% says its a waste. It works great for me with no sides, and makes my muscles feel full and tight.
What about hCG on cycle?

What about Clomid in your PCT? Can you detail out your PCT?

Managing hematocrit?

Have an AI on hand just in case E2 creeps up?

You might want to end the EQ prior to the Test due to the different half lives. I would extend the cycle beyond 10 weeks due to this.

Why Winny?

How does your blood work look?
What about hCG on cycle?

What about Clomid in your PCT? Can you detail out your PCT?

Managing hematocrit?

Have an AI on hand just in case E2 creeps up?

You might want to end the EQ prior to the Test due to the different half lives. I would extend the cycle beyond 10 weeks due to this.

Why Winny?

How does your blood work look?

I used clomid and hcg for my pct on my first two cycles about two weeks after my last EQ injection - also knowing nothing about about what the winny could do to me. Honestly, everything worked out great. Just about no sides besides some meaner looks and grunts in the gym and an increase in appetite. After one week of the clomid, I started to get pretty moody and sad for no reason. I've seen several people that have also noticed this from clomid, and nolva and hcg has worked much better for them since it ultimately does the same exact thing, and it's cheaper. But I've also never run test either. Even this one is a small dose just to keep from going catabolic, and to keep my libido steadier.

I should be getting arimidex within a week or two, so I will have it in case of sides after about a week int my cycle, I'm not too concerned about it.

I went with winny for a couple reasons - one reason better than the other. I've used it before and got no sides and GREAT long lasting results from it, this was the biggest reason, since everyone reacts to different compounds differently. The pumps are ridiculous, and it's one of the few choices I could obtain.

I have not had my blood work done. And I thank you for pointing that out to me. I'm going to my doctor's office next week anyway so I will have that done.
I used clomid and hcg for my pct on my first two cycles about

two weeks after my last EQ injection -

also knowing nothing about about what the winny could do to me.

noticed this from clomid, and nolva and hcg has worked much better for them since it ultimately does the same exact thing, and it's cheaper.

But I've also never run test either. Even this one is a small dose just to keep from going catabolic, and to keep my libido steadier.

I should be getting arimidex within a week or two, so I will have it in case of sides after about a week int my cycle, I'm not too concerned about it.

I went with winny for a couple reasons - one reason better than the other. I've used it before and got no sides and GREAT long lasting results from it, this was the biggest reason, since everyone reacts to different compounds differently. The pumps are ridiculous, and it's one of the few choices I could obtain.

I have not had my blood work done. And I thank you for pointing that out to me. I'm going to my doctor's office next week anyway so I will have that done.

I've highlighted the sections of your post that scare me. Much like an unlicensed drunk driver assuming because they haven't had an accident yet they're fine to keep scare me.

hcg is surpressive and doesn't belong in PCT

eq has a half life over 2 weeks. waiting two weeks means you still have half of it (or more) in your body. means your PCT won't do jack shit as the EQ is much stronger.

you didn't know what winny could do yet ran it? wtf

nolva and clomid DO NOT do the same things

you run an AI the whole time, not in case you see sides. You run it to prevent sides. Your mentality is like using condoms after you noticed your dick is itchy after banging a questionable lady

your 2nd reason for using winny is because it was "one of the few choices I could obtain"
that's a sucky reason and not a reason for adding in a compound
You need a bit more research, then, when you don't understand, ask, but blanket questions that beg for us to...."tell me what to do"...are met with .... well read some of the answers...
I would recommend that you start with reading this. It will answer a lot of your questions and point out things you didn't even know you were doing wrong.

I noticed you didn't answer all my questions so I am guessing that means you don't understand them. Trust that if I am asking you about it that there is a good reason.

Don't go to your doc for blood work. Use a private blood work lab as described in that thread I gave you.

How old are you? I ask because your approach to this cycle seems like that of an young kid. Too haphazard.