Advices on lean bulk cycle


New member
Hi guys, I'm thinking about the new winter bulk cycle to start in October.
I was thinking about a lean bulk. I'm 5'10'' and 155lbs at 8% now.
During last bulking cycle I was 190lbs but with a lot of bloat. Don't wanna do the same. I was on 4500-4800kcals per day, this year I'll drop to 3000-3500 kcals maximum.

I was thinking about doing or:
1-10 500mg susta
1-10 400mg eq
1-10 150mg tren e
1-4 30mg ed Turinabol


1-10 500mg susta
1-10 300mg tren e
1-4 40mg ed Turinabol

Aware from dbol due to its aromatization that cause me a little gyno, what do u think about? what would u do?

Thank you all
So you don't use Aromatase Inhibitors?

Hint: that's probably why you were bloated...

How about PCT?

What previous cycles have you run?

How old are you?

How did you determine the 8% body fat?
Was just about to ask the same questions as Mega. It doesn't sound like you were using an AI, or if you were, you weren't using it correctly. Otherwise you would have no gyno problems.
My last cycle was
400mg sus 1-10
300mg tren a 4-10
30mg win oral ed 1-4

I measured the bodyfat percentage by impedentiometry, so it should be ok.
And about AI, when I used dbol last winter, even if I was using arimidex, there was a little ball under my nipple...
So I was thinking about T-bol...

I will run a proper PCT obv :)
There are more problems that can come from high E2. Here is a list.

High Estrogen Side Effects:

- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues
- Crying like a little girl and being emotional all the time

Not just a little lump under nipple. This is why when on cycle we control e2 level

You should do some more research and educate yourself:

Read this thread and all its links:
How old are you?

Cycle history?


I'm 24. I wrote my last summer cycle on the last post.
I've done a bulk phase last winter with:
1-12 250mg test c
1-12 200mg deca
1-4 25mg dbol ed

and don't remember the past... This one should be the fourth cycle.

PCT depends on blood work I've done post cycle. Usually nolva and hCG
How much AI did you run and which kind?

Bioimpedence is highly unreliable for measuring body fat. You probably are not really at 8%.

You forgot to answer how old you are.

What do you consider to be a "proper" PCT?

How often did you pin your Sustanon?
There are more problems that can come from high E2. Here is a list.

High Estrogen Side Effects:

- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues
- Crying like a little girl and being emotional all the time

Not just a little lump under nipple. This is why when on cycle we control e2 level

You should do some more research and educate yourself:

Read this thread and all its links:

Man, I've done my blood work. 17b-aestradiol was high :)
I'm 24. I wrote my last summer cycle on the last post.
I've done a bulk phase last winter with:
1-12 250mg test c
1-12 200mg deca
1-4 25mg dbol ed

and don't remember the past... This one should be the fourth cycle.

PCT depends on blood work I've done post cycle. Usually nolva and hCG

hCG should not be used in PCT as it is HPTA suppressive. It should be used on-cycle to minimize testicular atrophy.

PCT should be both Clomid and Nolva.
How much AI did you run and which kind?

Bioimpedence is highly unreliable for measuring body fat. You probably are not really at 8%.

You forgot to answer how old you are.

What do you consider to be a "proper" PCT?

How often did you pin your Sustanon?

I'm pretty clean, probably 8, probably 9% .
As I said I'm 24. I run letrozole right after the gyno appears clearly, at 2.5mg e3d. 2 weeks and it goes away. Then I used to do 10mg of nolva during cycle and even if it was not like before, I had moderate e2 that cause me gyno..
Susta 2 times a week
I'm pretty clean, probably 8, probably 9% .
As I said I'm 24. I run letrozole right after the gyno appears clearly, at 2.5mg e3d. 2 weeks and it goes away. Then I used to do 10mg of nolva during cycle and even if it was not like before, I had moderate e2 that cause me gyno..
Susta 2 times a week

You are doing a lot of things wrong. You need to start over and do some serious research.

If you understood esters you would pin Sust every other day, not twice weekly.

AI's should be used to prevent high estradiol, not treat it after the fact.

You started usng AAS at way too young of an age. You have likely caused permanent harm to your HPTA.

And so on...
You are doing a lot of things wrong. You need to start over and do some serious research.

If you understood esters you would pin Sust every other day, not twice weekly.

AI's should be used to prevent high estradiol, not treat it after the fact.

You started usng AAS at way too young of an age. You have likely caused permanent harm to your HPTA.

And so on...

Ok man, but what do you think about previous cycle?
I've done it in the past, that's my decision about steroids.
I never used AI to prevent high estrogen, I use them only when it is necessary. Do not do a mix of drugs without any sense. If you need them, you use them. I never had e2 problems, so didn't used them from the start.
If I would use dbol now, I would start with AI too obv
Ok man, but what do you think about previous cycle?
I've done it in the past, that's my decision about steroids.
I never used AI to prevent high estrogen, I use them only when it is necessary. Do not do a mix of drugs without any sense. If you need them, you use them. I never had e2 problems, so didn't used them from the start.
If I would use dbol now, I would start with AI too obv

You previously said blood work showed high estradiol. What more proof do you need that estradiol was a problem for you? Did you know that many of the effects of high estradiol cannot be felt?

I think your cycle is bad.

-No hCG during cycle.
-Using hCG during PCT.
-No Clomid for PCT
-Pinning Sust too infrequently.
-Too young.
-Not using an AI.
-You don't seem to understand your blood work results.
-You dont seem to understand esters.

You don't seem to know what you are doing. Four cycles and you are only 155 lbs. You lost 40 pounds after your last cycle. Take these as signs.

I am glad you are here looking for knowledge. But you need to hunker down and do a lot of reading
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Ok man, but what do you think about previous cycle?
I've done it in the past, that's my decision about steroids.
I never used AI to prevent high estrogen, I use them only when it is necessary. Do not do a mix of drugs without any sense. If you need them, you use them. I never had e2 problems, so didn't used them from the start.
If I would use dbol now, I would start with AI too obv

You run an AI to prevent high E. thats how it works. Starts with your first injection.
There are more problems that can come from high E2. Here is a list.

High Estrogen Side Effects:

- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks .................... -Anxiety check had that
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction .......................... Ed - check had that
- Water retention ............................... Wr - check had that
- High blood pressure............................ check
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness............check
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability ........................................ big check
- Low libido ........................................ check
- Insomnia.......................................... big check
- Prostate related issues
- Crying like a little girl and being emotional all the time

Not just a little lump under nipple. This is why when on cycle we control e2 level

You should do some more research and educate yourself:

Read this thread and all its links:

Funny how you can check some of these things and of course now I know what was causing it....learning is so much
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