after bulking!

mass rookie

New member
all these threads about bulking, bulking foods, how many meals.
what do you do after you are done bulking, how long must you continue to eat so much to hold the weight and new muscle ? (months or atleast a year) because u cant eat a bulking diet for 20 yrs of your life. :eyes:
regardless of what your goals, bulking or cutting you should steer away from the old 3 meal a day routine-5 to 7 meals a day is best. It is healthier and will keep your metabolism regulated. In order to keep the added weight from bulking you are going to have to consume more than a normal person would. I like to eat so this is not a chore. Eat good healthy foods and get lots of exercise and a big eater will not get fat. The problem with most people is they do not eat often enough and when they do eat they gorge on crap processed food.
easing into drinking a gallon of milf a day but sometimes get cramps, Im not lactose intolerant but I guess semi intolerant cause I dont get em all the time. is their any thing I could get at GNC for cramps from milk. use 2% milk, whole milk has a lot more cholesterol.
mass rookie said:
easing into drinking a gallon of milf a day but sometimes get cramps, Im not lactose intolerant but I guess semi intolerant cause I dont get em all the time. is their any thing I could get at GNC for cramps from milk. use 2% milk, whole milk has a lot more cholesterol.

I drink one and a half gallons on training days and a gallon on my off days. It took a while to be able to stomach that much milk, but now it's easy. Just take your time with it. The cholesterol in whole milk is not really an issue. Ask most and they'll tell you that dietary chol has little to do with blood chol levels. The sat fat content is more of a concern than the chol, but only a minor concern at best (according to my family doc). As for a supplement for cramps, not a clue. I have to take a fiber supplement because of what milk does to me! If you don't enjoy the eating, it's going to become a chore like huskyguy said. When you are bulking, REALLY bulking, you can eat some things just to add calories to your diet. If you gain a little fat, so be it. Fat comes off easy with some cardio and lowered calories. When you get to a weight that you like and then cut the fat off you can begin to eat a maintenance diet. Instead of 2g protein/lb of bodyweight, eat 1.5g/lb. Instead of 5000cal or 6000cal eat whatever it takes your body to maintain. If you were a 150lber before, and bulked up to 220, you cant just go back to eating like a 150lber. You'll still be eating more food than you did before, and hopefully better food, just not as much as when you were trying to make it from 150 to 220.

Did that make any sense?

Just my 2mL

Semper Fi