After cycle problems


New member
ok i finished a first cycle of DSL HARDCORE deca 250 and LIFE SCIENCES test 400
TAKING about 225 deca per week and 725 test per week over 11 weeks.

I think my natural test shutdown a few weeks in and after that my natural sex drive and ability to maintain or get erections was sporadic.
in the 2-3 weeks after my last injection my sex drive and erectile ability went even further downhill.

Over these 12 weeks my nutsack has shriveled up like a ten yr olds.
my twig n berries literally looks like a larger version of bart simpson in the movie, lol :(

about 24 days after my last injection i started SCION clomid at 100 mg a day.
on the 3rd day of clomid at 100 mg a day i managed to get massive nighttime boner , enough to wake me up and make me remove gitch to get them out of the way.

does this mean the SCION clomid is actually working and my nutsack will stretch out and nuts will groW back to original size?
I plan on clomid at 100 mg a day for 5 days then 50 mg a day for 30 days.

i was skeptical cuz the scion clomid looked like a generic counterfeit version which may or may not have any active ingredients in it.

also within a week or two of my last injection my shoulder joints started getting sore if i used the same heavy weights as during the cycle. now a couple weeks later shoulders are still sore and hip joint is sore too.
ive basically laying off working out a week or 2 of upper body at all to help shoulders recover.

is this normal ? is the deca just working its way out and old aches and pains resurfacing almost immediately?
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Why did you start you post cycle therapy (pct) so soon then, You still have the esters of cyp and eth. Your just spinning your wheels brother.

I personally like clomid after two weeks of last inj, with 150/150/100/100/50 and 50 if needed.

If you want the boys to come back quicker hcg would of helped, but you should of done that before you started post cycle therapy (pct) so early

just my .02
im confused you say i started post cycle therapy (pct) so soon?
i started it 24 days or 3.4 weeks after last injection.
then you say you start your post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last injection?
is there sarcasm here or what?
so if this clomid doesnt enlarge my nutsack back to normal whats the next step?
a doctors visit to get hcg shots or something?
im not sure i have a source for blackmarket stuff anymore.
As far as the clomid goes. You need to run it a minimum of four weeks IMO. prob even 6 to make sure, You will start to see your tests levels come back by then. That wasn't a very heavy cycle in the scheme of things. You will be less lethargic, your libido will come back and the boys should go back to normal. I like to run 300-500 iu a week of hcg when on to prevent athrophy. I also do a 1500iu when I am coming off before pct.
The decca is still in your blood stream, although not as potent it is still working, It is one of longest lasting aas there is. I am thinking you might have injured your shoulder and had not noticed it. Probably have some swelling going on. I am no dr though so if it persists you might go have it looked at...
A lot of people use nolva 40/40/20/20 to. I would give it some time and see if your natural production of test comes back.