Again, 1st cycle. Any input appreciated


New member
Been training for 6 years. Gains have slowed down. Height and weight irrelevant, since lifting is a part of me now and I do it because I have to and want to. I mean that in the most positive way. It is, for me, the best antidepressant that exists. I am bipolar 2 and I deal with it well. 34 years old. Diet in check- about 4 k a day. Will of course bump it up on cycle and try to keep it clean with a cheat once or twice a week :)

Please don't flame or post negative comments. It's really not what I am looking for - I am looking for advice, since the internet is basically a fucking jungle with too much (mis)information for me to handle. I guess I want to know which cycle people would jump on if they could redo their first one. And please don't give high doses, since that is out of the question on my first cycle. I have seen it on way too many forums. I won't do 500 of test, I want to start slow since this will be one of many cycles.

So here goes:

1st cycle

Week 1-10 test e 300 mg/w

Week 12-15 clomid 50 mg ED

Or no pct.

This (the pct issue) is something that is VERY debated on the internet, and from the looks of it, it is something that has become the norm the last, say 30 years. Nowadays you're fucking CRAZY if you don't pct, you get flamed for not doing your research and why the hell is that? In the golden era, with arnold, serge, franco and mike, no one ran pct, because it didn't exist then. From what I've read, they ran mostly anabolic cycles like deca, dbol and primo and got away just fine. Hell, more than fine! Another question that is "common knowledge" on most steroid boards is the notion of the starter cycle being 500 mg test a week. If I can get by with less, I sure as hell will do that. Seems people nowadays thinks more is better. I don't think so, but I have never done steroids, and it's just my opinion. I will have to see what effect it has on my body to really answer that question. But I will stick with 300 (175 mon and thurs) and see where it takes me.


Week 1-12 Deca 300 mg/w

Week 15-18 clomid 50 mg/w

Or no pct.

Don't mention deca dick, since (I believe) it is individual and maybe some get deca dick because they "want to" get deca dick - the placebo effect. But with that said, far more people DON' T experience it! I realize I will pay for what I have just said, but please don't flame. I am just trying to be real. The mind is a weird thing. What the hell do I know. Maybe the doses are too high for some - again I think it is individual. I guess 300 will shut me down, but then again maybe not. Gyno issues will be dealt with if they occur with nolva.


Week 1-6 Dbol 25 mg/ED


This is a low dose (from what I have heard and read) and there really is no need for pct.

Now, I have been reading about these things for years. And I KNOW EVERYONE says to have test as a base in all cycles. All over the internet, though, people post successful deca cycles on as low as 200 mg/week, and it makes me fucking confused. I really don't know who to believe. In the end, I can only conclude that everybody's different. That is, we react differently to different compounds - same with tren, some people can handle a gram a week, while others practically end up in jail at only 100 mg a week. Once again, it's individual.

Before anyone jumps on the pct-train, I would like to say that many people actually don't do it. Heck, many people claim it's just a gimmick.

I have to think clearly - the body is a fantastic machine and it will repair itself if any damage is done. Now I realize high doses of anything is bad for you, but these seem to me to be very light/mild cycles and ANY input (except negative comments) will be highly appreciated.

For all I know, nobody would run any of these cycles, but they are simple and (probably) effective. I don't want to mess around with several compounds the first time around, so it's either test, deca or dbol.

All the best,
All you need for a first cycle is 500-600 mg test cyp or enethate ew for 10-12 weeks.

Have your pct, AI and hcg in place before you start. It is advisable to GET BLOOD WORK to get a baseline test reading. That is most important on a first cycle, so you can gauge the success of pct you will run in the future.