Ah...Finished....critique my MAX-OT diet?


New member
Im 19 years old, 5'11" and 152 lbs and have been training for a little over a year, but I am just comming off of a 4-5 week break from lifting. My goal is to add as much lean muscle as possible...not necesarily bulk just yet as I still have a little belly fat left over from a previous bulk-gone-wrong. The pouch will hopefully be gone in 2-3 weeks as ive already made a huge dent in it. Anyway, heres my diet....feel free to critique and let me know if im missing something or ive got something in there I shouldnt, or if im eating something at the wrong time.

Meal 1:
1 serving Ny-Tro Pro-40: 40g protein 22g carbs 1.5g fat (250 calories)
1.5 cup skim milk: 13g protein 18g carbs .5g fat (135calories)

Meal 2:
5oz grilled chicken: 44g protein 0g carbs 5g fat (234calories)
1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt: 7g protein 7g carbs 0g fat (62 calories)
1/2 cup brown rice: 2g protein 23g carbs 1g fat (108 calories)

6oz 93%lean ground beef: 35g protein 0g carbs 6g fat (200 calories)
2oz carrots: 1g protein 6g carbs 0g fat (26 calories)
1tbsp flax seed oil: 0g protein 0g carbs 14g fat (130 calories)
1 or 2 pills od Sci-Fit Therm GenII (Ephedra free metabolic enhancer)

Post Workout:
2 scoops VP2: 48g protein 3g carbs 1g fat (210 calories)
1.5 cup skim milk: 13g protein 18g carbs .5g fat (135calories)
1 serving Vitargo CGL in 20 oz water: 0g protein 70g carbs 0g fat (287 calories)
1 serving NAC500

Meal 5:
5oz grilled chicken: 44g protein 0g carbs 5g fat (234calories)
1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt: 7g protein 7g carbs 0g fat (62 calories)

Meal 6:
1 serving Ny-Tro Pro-40: 40g protein 22g carbs 1.5g fat (250 calories)
1 cup skim milk: 9g protein 12g carbs .5g fat (90calories)

1 serving GABA
4oz fresh OJ: 1g protein 13g carbs 0g fat (58 calories)

Protein: 304
Carbs: 221
Fat: 38
I'd get rid of the milk post workout and substitute dextrose for quick absorbtion with the isolate.

OJ before bed? I would have some cottage cheese or some other form of slower digesting protein with minimal carbs.

Overall, it's not a bad diet but I would add more fat. I tried to follow the AST's diet (low fat, med carb, high protein) suggestions and found that I lost weight but too much muscle. The second I added in more fat, I was so much better off.
yea a lot of people on other forums have been telling me to add more fat as well.

What would be the best way? Im taking 1-2 tbsp of flax already.

As for the OJ before bed....i take this about 30 minutes after a 50g protein shake (whey and casien mix) which is my 6th meal, then hit the sack, so im fine without the cottage cheese.
You might want to throw in some pork to replace the chicken here and there to up the fat. Don't be afraid to dig into a steak either. Red meat is tried and true for packing on muscle. Also, don't be afraid to use whole eggs. The yolk gets a bad rep but there is nutritional value in them. As long as you're working out hard, the extra fat and cholesterol won't hurt you.

A lot of people might disagree with me but I think that the best bodybuilders of all time came out of the 60-70's. These guys ate a ton of fat as compared to today. They didn't rely (heavily) on drugs to build muscles, they relied on good nutrition.
yea ive actually replaced some of the chicken with a nice big fliet mignon. I have 1 a day.

what else can i do to modify this diet?
Good fats,

Almond Butter
Natural PB
Olive Oil

You can up your fats pretty quickly with any of those