AI show up on a urine drug test?..


The juice Box
Hey guys, So I'm subject to random Urine Drug Test and was wondering if an AI will show up on a Urine test. I'm not sure what the Urine test exactly test for but was wondering in an AI will show up?
Depends on the test. I take a drug test bout every 3 months for the last 4 years and mine has never shown up. But their mainly looking for cocaine, weed, pills on mine.
I get drug tested every few months as well for the past few years and haven't had a problem.. Like man said usually just looking for weed cocaine etc..
It would have to be a specialized test testing for PEDs. Your standard panel drug tests would not test for them at all.
A friend asked me that same question, not because of the compound, but the grain alcohol his is suspended in. I guess they lab test some of it and he was scared to come up for alcohol. I personally didn't think a normal dose would be anything high enough to show, but didn't want to give him the go ahead and then he get screwed.
Steroid tests are expensive and most workplaces won't do them. They're mostly looking for cocaine, weed, barbituates, etc. The military doesn't even test for juice unless they have an absolute reason (like if someone in your unit gets busted with it). A few government jobs test for PED's but those are usually overseas. Unless it's a sports drug test, I wouldn't worry about it.

just my .02
A friend asked me that same question, not because of the compound, but the grain alcohol his is suspended in. I guess they lab test some of it and he was scared to come up for alcohol. I personally didn't think a normal dose would be anything high enough to show, but didn't want to give him the go ahead and then he get screwed.

You aren't ingesting enough of it for it to show. Kind of like Listerine. If you use that and then try to take a Breathalyzer within a few minutes it will show.... But that's right away.
standard drug panel urine---no
specialized drug panel, the collector has check chain of custody form and indicate aas for steroids...150 plus as aas metabolites harder to detect an ai would be double expensive as most lab s would have to send that to a specialized lab like a fkn cancer patient s lab where they looking at shit from every angle.

I salute your concern,,,but all of you w similar concerns enter

they are an outfit in Nevada and just take time to read their stickies and other stuff like drug use timetables, research the products..they can get you to pass a test for DECA in 10 day s if you follow the plans.

I was 4-0 on hair tests in coast guard urines ( 1oo ton ticket, able bodied seaman ) and 3-0 in family hair tests...7-0.

I always s say..if you know you may be drug tested and do not have the recquired counter measure IN YOUR DRAWER or sea bag ur either a dumbass or drug addict.