Albuterol, Clenbuterol and Forged Burner


New member
Was just wondering is any of these show up on a standard piss test? Also wondering which one is better Albuterol or Clenbuterol..

I know Diet and Exercise are the best ways to lose fat...i'm not trying to have a miracle drug here just trying to help break up the fat that I arleady have stored in my stomach so I can burn it off easier...
oh no no no not at all lol sorry didn't type that right then I was told to do a 4 wk cycle of Albuterol and then a 4 wk cycle of Forged then another 4 wk cycle of Albuterol again by Mr.Humdiddly

Just wanted to make sure none of them popped up in a piss test

thanks and that goes for the liquid also?