Alcohol and cycles

i has to disagree with you on heroin, you saying its safer than alcohol, i hope thats a joke man. 3x rule that shit and your dead. Most of the time when the user uses it for the first time they OD.

Heroin is much more addictive and harsher on the body than alcohol. But I don't buy into that list anyway. It has cannabis as 11. That means solvents (huffing gas and paint thinner and shit) is safer???? Nitrates and E are safer also? I call BS on that unless they're really nut-hugging that social impact part of the equation since many many ppl smoke weed and its huge in the social scene.
Heroin is much more addictive and harsher on the body than alcohol. But I don't buy into that list anyway. It has cannabis as 11. That means solvents (huffing gas and paint thinner and shit) is safer???? Nitrates and E are safer also? I call BS on that unless they're really nut-hugging that social impact part of the equation since many many ppl smoke weed and its huge in the social scene.

i smoke pot sometimes, better than getting drunk
I have no desire to drink anymore. And I was an alkie all my life. The results I have so far outweigh me even thinking about picking up a drink. Fuck that!
na brother, molly isnt a hallucinogenic, when i had it last year it more of a stimulant. Molly would only be worse on the brain, since it shots up your endorphins, making you feeling good. So i think for the liver wise molly would win .


Basically it rates drugs based on physical harm, addictiveness, and social impact. Notice MDMA at 18. It looks like this:

Drugs assessed in order of danger

1 Heroin
2 Cocaine
3 Barbiturates
4 Street methadone
5 Alcohol
6 Ketamine
7 Benzodiazepine
8 Amphetamines
9 Tobacco
10 Buprenorphine
11 Cannabis
12 Solvents
13 4-MTA
14 LSD
15 Methylphenidate
16 Anabolic steroids
17 GHB
18 Ecstasy
19 Alkyl nitrates
20 Khat"

Are you sure its pure molly then? I start off with eye shakes, get a fair bit of energy, start to slug out, then its hallucination time, but it all depends on how much you take too, I notice it starts off in orgasm city and basically ends up being like LSD after a while. I would def say anything hallucinogenic can be really bad for you on cycle, raises heart beat, you can easily have panic attacks, most are harder on the liver (i.e mushrooms), can cause confusion, disorientation. I can personally vouch for alkyl nitrate not being that harmful, I've gotten re-addicted to them recently...
When it really comes down to it drinking while on cycle maybe 2 to 3 times a week consuming only 3 to 4 drinks in a sitting depends on what steroids you are taking. I would say if you are taking only moderate dosages of testosterone it would be ok and won't cause liver damage that is noticeable. But if you are running more than one compound I would say don't risk it. And if you really care that much get liver values checked every 2 weeks to 1 month to see the dammage it is having on your body. Also one interesting thing I have learned about steroids is you don't always have the same response to steroids. For example you could have damaged your liver while on your last cycle and your liver values in blood tests showed it was ok because enough time had elapsed. But that doesn't mean you don't have damage to your liver it just doesnt show up on blood tests. organ damage can happen rapidly to and by the time you get to a doctor damage could already have been done. And the esters from steroids will make damage continue till it is out of your system. Really in the end of it all I would say don't get greedy. You are already on steroids and getting the benefits from that. Adding in more chemicals to your body and hoping every thing is ok is a disaster waiting to happen. Using steroids is a gift to a certain degree its not a right. And if you abuse that gift you will loose privileges to it because your body will be damaged and can't process it and will cause life threatening results to happen when you try. I would rather drink off cycle and not ever risk having to go to the gym and look at all the juiced up guys with jealousy because I got greedy and had to drink. Maybe having 2 to 3 drinks one night every 1 week or 2 weeks would be ok but still you never know what could be the tipping point where irreversible damage is done. Theres guys out there who can take 3 different types of oral steroids and drink every night and inject all the tren they want and think they are fine. But really what is happening is the drugs and alcohol numb them and they cant feel the effects of what they are doing and they avoid all the warning signs thinking its a hang over to be cured by another drink until its to fucking late.
There are only 2 condition which should be met if you are going to do any drinking at all, unless you adhere to these 2 hard and fast rules you are wasting your time and destroying your life, I have used these rules and never had a problem, it works for me.

1. Never ever drink alone.
2. If you absolutely cant find someone to drink with, drink by yourself.