Allow myself to introduce.......myself


I am banned!
A bit late, I know.

Been on the boards 6 months but was brought here in crisis hypogonadal mode. I'm extremely grateful to this board for the advice and encouragement I've received. Since starting TRT my life has improved dramatically.

36 years old. Former D1 athlete. Worked in the fitness industry after college for 6 years as manager and trainer at a gym. Serious lifting from 17-27.

Currently 6'2 242lbs/110kg 14% BF

27-33 stopped lifting, dealt with serious depression and substance abuse. Went from ripped 230 to fat 255.

Started seriously lifting again 3 years ago. My low T struggles can be found in the TRT section. 6 months ago started TRT. After 2 months my levels settled comfortably and I decided to go on an 8 week blast at 750/wk. last pin was end of May. I'm now on hcg mono-therapy at 2000iu 3/wk in hopes of regaining fertility (Infertile before TRT, but not in my 20's).

Started TRT at 106kg 22%bf. Diet has been 600 cal deficit throughout the last 5 months. Currently sitting at 110kg/242lbs at 14%. Even though my goal has been to cut I've gained a lot of muscle.

End of July marks 6 months since introducing AAS. Will post transformation pics then. Thanks to everyone for all I've learned here. I'd have never cycled if I hadn't needed TRT, so it's kind of a blessing.
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