Almost all the blood levels are back.


The 'Ology Man Whore
Well doctor is an idiot for one... but here we go brethren

Glucose (65 - 100) .......................79
Sodium (137 - 147) ....................143
Potassium (3.4 - 5.2) ..................4.5
Chloride ( 98 - 110) ...................101
ECO2 (22 - 33) ...........................31
Total Protein (6.3 - 8.3) ..............6.6
Albumin (3.5 - 5.0) .....................4.2
Calcium (8.6 - 10.7) ...................9.8
Total Bilirubin (.2 - 1.3) ..............0.6
AST/SGOT (14 - 59) ...................22
ALK Phosphatase (38 - 126)..........56
ALT/SGPT (9 - 72) ......................32
BUN (9 - 25) ...............................19
Creatinine ( .45 - 1.26) .............1.19
Cholesterol (100 - 199) ..............146
Triglyceride ( 35 - 149) ..............108
HDL (40 - 200) ............................53
LDL (0 - 99) ................................71
NON HDL (0 - 190) ...................... 93
Total Testosterone .................... 545
Bioavailable Testosterone ........... 264
Free Testosterone ....................... 93
Percent Free Testosterone ........... 1.7%
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin ....... 40

Still waiting on prolactin levels, and Estrogen levels. with Hormonal Testing.
I understand that you are not a religious person but what do you personally get out of posting an avatar like that? I don't believe in Buddha but I don't feel the need to ridicule him or the religion because it's pointless. So again, what do you personally get out of it? Feel the need to seek attention or is it something else?

Your SHBG looks a little high. Keep an eye on the sodium levels, do you consume a lot of salty foods? If not, you probably need to drink more water to flush it out. Otherwise, it looks like your kidneys are functioning ok. Ranges would be nice if you could post them up to refer back to.
LMAO! I see no issue in putting that up for my avatar. Its called humor. No Im not really a religious person by any means. But I also have a wide range of humor. If you dont understand it thats your prerogative. But alot of others find my shit humorous. But as stated a long time ago, everyone has the right to their own opinion
But I posted this up, because supposedly my levels are in perfect range for everything, even tho im waiting on some other numbers. Just wanted to get another perspective from others.

For some odd reason my dick has been super active lately lmao. 4-5-6 times a day i need to get the woman over or have some alone time with Jennifer Hand-ison. (my lefty ;) hahaha. its like i get hard ons in the worst possible times now. fucking rediculous. AND IM NOT EVEN ON CYCLE!!!! just started happening out of fucking no where... litterally. for almost 2 weeks now.