Always end up with too much??

His "under dosed" is most likely stronger then then most of the chit anywhere :) Plus the higher the mgs the more weight in ester and lowers the mgs.
haha mike your so right, in reality if your doing prop its the most bang for the buck, you get the most test into your blood etc, but guys dont see that nor understand it unless your educated. They see oh its test500 its has to be good cause 500 is a good number, its better than 100 right?

I's still like to know how he is measuring the oil?

I use a 50ml\60max syringe, and a smaller one when the incraments get small.
So for example.
If i need 113.8 ml
Oil in this piticular batch was shorted by 7.8ml and it was not enough. (4ml in a syringe and i left out 3.8 fully)
I ended up with 2 ml from my cleaning 4ml unit. (this is just a 5ml syringe to clean filters)

So in the end i had a watman with attached syringe at 4ml (yes it had gear in it) and 2ml from my cleaning syringe.

Next time around I am going to change my powder weight to .8 as suggested, and short my oil by 10ml and see how it goes.

This is my last batch with premade sust powder, going to switch to the 4 compounds and see if it makes any difference in overall quality of gear.
Well, I don't know about access to a pipette and the controller where you live.... I don't know where you live.... but I find it hard to believe that there is a country out there that wont allow these simple tools to the public. You can order them from Ficsher Scientific, Cole-Parmer, and countless other places....
But the easiest way to get a hold of these materials is to visit your local University and as I've said before there is chemistry labs in every university I've ever visited and these items are readily available....