Am i doing it right?


New member
Hi there;
I`m currently on a bulking diet, which will finish next month and I am planning a 16 week cutting plan. I`m currently @ 260lbs, 18.5% bf and 6 foot 7 and wish to get to about 10%bf while trying to maintain most of my mass.
For bulking i`ve been eating 250 protein , 70 fats and 500 carbs and was lifting 4 times a week without missing a workout since july 03.
I was thinking of this diet :300pro/300carbs/50 fats to begin with, that`s +50 protein - 200 carbs - 20 fats and adding 2 cardio sessions with my current 4 week weight training shedule ;

mon :chest + tri
tue :legs + abs
wed: 30 min cardio am on empty stomach
thu: shoulders + traps + calves
fri: back + bi
sat : 30 min cardio am on empty stomach
sun : off

I am going to stop creatine cuz i`ve been using it for 5 months straight and i`m all water filled
supps : whey protein, multi vits, was thinking of glutamine but read that it`s a waste of money
Later maybe i`ll try Eca , i`ve never used it because of the side effects

Cutting diet:
50grams oats + 250mls smilk + cinamon or raisins
2 plain toast with 1 egg + 2 whites

large tuna in water + tablespoon olive + herbs

whey protein shake with 300mls s.milk

pineapple juice + whey protein

220 grms chicken breast or lean beaf (8oz)
100 grams pasta + 1/4 teaspoon bovril for taste

220 grams fish (8oz)
100 grams pasta + salad/veggies

100 grams cottage cheese (3.5oz)
whey protein + water

please tell me where i need to change, 300 carbs may seem a lot but remeber i`m 260lbs and 6 foot 7; and i`m trying to maintain mass. I prefare if it takes 5 months instead of 4 months and losing less mass.
If i take Eca is it better to use it athe last month only of my diet or in the begining ,
Thanks to you all,
Try substituting the pasta with a lower glycemic carb, such as yams, long grain brown rice ect. Also perform cardio after each weight training session. Cardio 2times/week simply isn't enough.
pipes said:
Also perform cardio after each weight training session. Cardio 2times/week simply isn't enough.

I prefer cardio first thing in the morning, but I most certainly agree he needs much more cardio than only twice a week.
thanks ; i`ll substitute pasta with a low GI food then , and i`ll add another cardio session or two after training. Shall i take the juice + whey protein after weight training or after cardio?

What about eca ? how do you think it`s the most effective , taking it the whole 4 months ? or just the last two months?

I personally consume juice and whey protein after cardio when dieting. I would take the ECA the last two months of your diet because that is when losing fat will be most difficult and you will really need it.
thanks DUDE for your advice, did you get any sides from eca? and how did you cycle them? you rook it for the whole 60 days straight?
It's funny that you ask about my ECA experience because I will be posting a new thread to discuss my recent experience with clenbuterol as compared to ECA. I have taken ECA for 4 weeks straight before but I feel it works better when cycled. I have tried different ways such as 5 days on 2 days off, 2 weeks on 1 week off, and 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. I liked the 2 weeks on and 1 week off the best and noticed great results from it. The only sides I usually get are some mood swings and headaches when I come off. However the mood swings are probably made worse by the simple fact that when I take ECA I am on a diet.
just to let you know, excessive use of ephedrine products do cause a tremendous loss in sex drive, and inhibits blood flow to various extremeties.....ahem, you should know what im talking about. irritability is common, but cycling is the best thing to do, and make sure you know how much you can take for your body weight. there alot of side effects of anything if used in an excessive fashion, just make sure you monitor yourself.