AML t300 Cycle


New member
This is my first cycle and wanted to keep a log here. This is my cycle.

1-12 300mg t300 twice a week. 600mg total per week. 6.25mg Aromasion ed
14-18 pct nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 50/50/50/50

220 lbs
13-15% bf? ill post pics later you can tell.

This cycle is off to a horrible start. My plan was to pin Monday (glute) which i did despite the fact i had some poison oak on my arms. Everything went pretty smooth little sore Monday. Woke up Tuesday and felt like complete shit and my body is basically covered in poison oak (both arms, stomach, dick, balls, legs and a little spot on my chin). Went to get out of bed my ass was so sore. I expected it to be sore but not that sore (not red or hot just sore). So despite all this i went to the gym and got my workout in. Came home completely drained of energy and sleepy. Stayed home and slept all day. I think its safe to I have test flu, some bad pip in my virgin muscle and some horrible poison oak. Today i feel a little better still tired and not much energy. The PIP is getting better. But the poison oak not so much my hand is pretty swollen from it. I'm going to rest again today.This is all pretty discouraging but I guess to look on the bright side things can only get better from here. Once i get feeling better and the poison is gone ill post some pics.
doubt its test flue, AML is sterile stuff . get something on that poison oak fast . watch your blood pressure and water retention, dont be surprised if you have to go 6.25 twice a day for the Aromasin
yeah i have plenty if I need to go 12.5. Maybe I'm just tired and no energy due to the hormone level change in my body?
yeah i have plenty if I need to go 12.5. Maybe I'm just tired and no energy due to the hormone level change in my body?

initial expectations are anxiety, energy, restlessness and sweating. 600 first time out on t300 with 100 of prop.. you will feel it fast, by the second week
I think im def feeling the anxiety. Which I have never had or experienced before. Also my resting heart rate is a little high the other day it was around 80 bpm and today it is down to 70 bpm. my blood pressure is a little high. with this stuff even out or become less as my body adjusts to it? I am taking N2Guard, fish oil, garli, cayanne, and animal pak and flex for vitamins which should be helping everything. also the PIP is really tearing me up. Make it much harder to want to do my next pin as i know i will be sore and in pain for the next few days in that place.
But as for the positive effects. I am feeling more pumped when I lift. The pumps come a lot sooner. I just wish my Quads and Glutes didnt get so sore it makes it near impossible to do lower body except calves.
Will the anxiety get any better as cycle goes on? I have never had it before. Feels like my chest is tight and hard to take deep breaths. Can anyone weigh in on this????