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Im just does one seal amps after they are filled? im thinking of amping up all my Sustanon (sust) that ill make up sometime soon..
you use high heat to melt the tip of the amp. Not sure what you're supposed to use, but a propane torch isnt quite hot enough to yield "professional" results, but will work.
hmm...that thinks ill stick to puttin the stuff into vials and go from there....

unless someone with experience can chirp in with some suggestions
why amps? lot of trouble. just put them in 20ml vials. lot less work. and why you going to the trouble of making sus? test is test. short ester, long ester, no ester, its still test. make some prop and enan and be done with it.
here's a good use of amps. get a long piece of string and loop it around the neck of several amps so that they are about 2 inches apart. then insert them one at a time into you anal cavity. after you get about 10 of them in there tug on the string and pop um out 1 at the time.

what ya think gymphreek? benwaa amps.....
lolol...i aint up for that kinda stuff, but ill definitely mention this to my girlfriend...definietely gonna have to try it... :evil:
Amps are a pain, why would anyone go out of their way to chose them over vials? I would only fuck with amps if they contained something I couldn't otherwise get in a vial, like certain pharm-quality human-grade testosterone products.
idk....just wondering how they were sealed and all....coz i look at my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and i cannot even see how the heck they sealed the damned things...