Help with lab results and switching from years of homebrew to presribed test


Well-known member
I'm 52 years old and generally healthy and fit. I'm 6'0" and now only about 195 lbs. at about 10% body fat. I've been lifting for about 40 years and juicing for about 22. I can no longer lift heavy due to injuries. I've been *on* with one short break for 17 years. I was a moderator here when the board was born and for the predecessor triedia, and was savvy at the time but over the years got super busy with other things and my knowledge has waned. SC and some of the old crew may remember me.

My base used to be 400-500 mgs. of test enanthate and about 200 mgs. of deca with intermittent cycles of higher doses, bouts of oxandrolone and primo and trenbolone although I haven't touched that in about 12 years. I generally used a tiny dose of home capped aromasin but I never had any gyno issues. Around 2 years ago I got low on my supply of test enanthate powder and went to a TRT office. I had blood drawn and the notable results were total testosterone of 440 (reference range 250-1100), free testosterone of 81.6 (reference range 25-155). I was offered prescription test shots but they wanted me to come in for every shot which was impractical since it was an hour from home and their prices were high so I didn't sign up. I had a pretty good supply of test undecoate powder so I brewed what I had, and I had some HCG. My supplies of home-brew test are dwindling and the HCG expired a few years ago so I'm unsure whether it's good.

I also use 2-3 ius of HGH about 5 days per week in the am.

For about a year and a half I've been taking 150 mg. of wellbutrin extended release daily. When I started it, I was sleepless for over a month. It was horrible but I stayed with it and eventually seemed to adapt. I've been an insomniac all my life and my job is bad for sleep. I can retire within a few years.

I do have some issues with ED but while married performed like a champ for years with some cialis although I've been plagued with difficulty reaching orgasm for years which has got worse after I divorced 2 years ago and have had new partners. I can come with really hot fit girls but it takes a lot of work and I've met several less fit but likeable gals who I just can't get there with which is a bummer. I had thought maybe I had elevated prolactin but didn't get it tested until very recently.

Since I switched to the test undecoate I've been pinning what I thought was about 450-500 mgs. per week. Since I'm running low and don't know that I want to risk ordering overseas at this point in my life I was referred to a PA who does a bit of TRT for some guys I know. I had bloodwork done and scanned the report but the file is too big to attach. The relevant numbers are:

Serum testosterone >1500 ng./dl (reference range 264-916)
Free testosterone (direct) 39.7 pg./mL (reference range 7.2-24.0)
Dihydrotestosterone 264 (reference range 30-85)
Estradiol 92.7 (reference range 7.6-42.6)
Progesterone .1 ng/ml. (reference range 0.0-0.5)
Prolactin 9.2 ng./ml.

When I had my follow up visit recently with the PA, she basically dismissed me because my total test came back so high and she didn't like the Dihydrotestosterone or estradiol numbers either. She said she wouldn't prescribe testosterone enanthate to anyone with free test over 1500. After she basically cut the video call short I was pretty pissed that she didn't even offer to prescribe arimidex which she had mentioned previously. Apparently she doesn't offer HCG either but hey you can pay what seems like a lot for B12 and other vitamin injections (I get more than a year's supply of injectable B vitamins on Amazon for less than the $15 she charges for a shot). It seems like this is just side money for her. It sure was a waste of my time and money ($200 cash for her + copay for bloodwork).

She referred me to a local doctor who she said could help me and get me in soon but the appointment is a month out. I have suspended pinning any test undecoate for the time being. After hangin have some old powdered aromasin that I can cap but I'm guessing an an appropriate dose. I'm thinking maybe 5 mg. per day and I'll probably pin a bit of test between now and seeing the new actual doctor in a month. I don't know if he'll want to run new bloodwork or if I should tell him about my experience with the PA. She described him as operating quasi legally and she said he offered other drugs (maybe she meant deca, I'm not sure) and I believe HCG and HGH although I'm sure the HGH is absurdly expensive. She seemed to be saying that he helps more hardcore juicers and it sounds like she doesn't want to be involved with doses higher than TRT. This doctor is a real MD. He markets himself as an anti aging clinic.

I'm seeking general advice and especially some help getting a hold of my estrogen. I would like to feel generally better. I do experience what I'd call brain fog and poor memory but that could have other causes. I'd especially like to be able to orgasm more easily as I don't intend to stay single indefinitely. Thanks in advance.
Thebitch with your situation and not being able to nut is it gets to the point of being psychological. So even if you get your hormones situated you will end up having the same issue by thinking yourself into it. If your going to another doctor in a month im sure he will do bloodwork and it will need to show low test levels just to cover his ass. Don***8217;t be pinning the test your pinning because it keeps you elevated for a long time. If you beed to pin switch to prop then quit like ten days before the doctor visit. That nibido stays in your system soo long.
Hi Trevdog. You aren't going to like my advice... Unless you can find a very sympathetic and understanding doctor, I think you are going to have to come off everything so you can get doctor prescribed TRT. Otherwise they will turn you away like the PA did. She knew you were cycling steroids. Unless they see low testosterone along with your LH/FSH not being shut down, they may not want to treat you.

With undecanoate, it is going to take a while to clear your system. Even longer for your HPTA to start working again. You may actually want to run some hCG for a while and then switch over to clomid. Basically run PCT. I don't expect your HPTA to fully recover after that many years of being switched off, but it will hopefully help it get "sputtering" again so you can run blood work and show you need TRT.

As for the sexual problems, I am hoping that it will get better when your estradiol is under control. And keep taking the daily cialis. I'm not sure how often you are hooking up with this hot girls or the homely ones, but maybe see if taking a hiatus from porn and masturbating helps you orgasm faster when you are with them.
The PA described the doctor as being very accommodating. I had said that I should like to run about 400 mgs. per week of Test Enan and she seemed to think he would be ok with that.

I *was* surprised that my test and estradiol were both so high. I haven't pinned any more TU (it's homebrew not nibido) but I don't have any other variety such as prop so I will just have to wait for it to clear my system. If I end up needing my test levels to be very low to get script, maybe I can source some short ester test. It will probably be over a month between the last shot of TU and the next blood draw and that may make a pretty big difference. I really don't want my test levels to go crazy low because I'll probably be miserable. Meanwhile I did cap some powder with 5 mgs. of aromosin in each cap and I plan to take that daily for estrogen control. Maybe next blood test I'll opt for the sensitive assay and get some more data.

Thanks for the input.
When I come offcold turkey I dont feel so bad. Some people say it sucks and some dont. Sex drive gets low but it makes it that much better when I get back on.

The PA described the doctor as being very accommodating. I had said that I should like to run about 400 mgs. per week of Test Enan and she seemed to think he would be ok with that.

I *was* surprised that my test and estradiol were both so high. I haven't pinned any more TU (it's homebrew not nibido) but I don't have any other variety such as prop so I will just have to wait for it to clear my system. If I end up needing my test levels to be very low to get script, maybe I can source some short ester test. It will probably be over a month between the last shot of TU and the next blood draw and that may make a pretty big difference. I really don't want my test levels to go crazy low because I'll probably be miserable. Meanwhile I did cap some powder with 5 mgs. of aromosin in each cap and I plan to take that daily for estrogen control. Maybe next blood test I'll opt for the sensitive assay and get some more data.

Thanks for the input.
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I'm 52 years old and generally healthy and fit. I'm 6'0" and now only about 195 lbs. at about 10% body fat. I've been lifting for about 40 years and juicing for about 22. I can no longer lift heavy due to injuries. I've been *on* with one short break for 17 years. I was a moderator here when the board was born and for the predecessor triedia, and was savvy at the time but over the years got super busy with other things and my knowledge has waned. SC and some of the old crew may remember me.

My base used to be 400-500 mgs. of test enanthate and about 200 mgs. of deca with intermittent cycles of higher doses, bouts of oxandrolone and primo and trenbolone although I haven't touched that in about 12 years. I generally used a tiny dose of home capped aromasin but I never had any gyno issues. Around 2 years ago I got low on my supply of test enanthate powder and went to a TRT office. I had blood drawn and the notable results were total testosterone of 440 (reference range 250-1100), free testosterone of 81.6 (reference range 25-155). I was offered prescription test shots but they wanted me to come in for every shot which was impractical since it was an hour from home and their prices were high so I didn't sign up. I had a pretty good supply of test undecoate powder so I brewed what I had, and I had some HCG. My supplies of home-brew test are dwindling and the HCG expired a few years ago so I'm unsure whether it's good.

I also use 2-3 ius of HGH about 5 days per week in the am.

For about a year and a half I've been taking 150 mg. of wellbutrin extended release daily. When I started it, I was sleepless for over a month. It was horrible but I stayed with it and eventually seemed to adapt. I've been an insomniac all my life and my job is bad for sleep. I can retire within a few years.

I do have some issues with ED but while married performed like a champ for years with some cialis although I've been plagued with difficulty reaching orgasm for years which has got worse after I divorced 2 years ago and have had new partners. I can come with really hot fit girls but it takes a lot of work and I've met several less fit but likeable gals who I just can't get there with which is a bummer. I had thought maybe I had elevated prolactin but didn't get it tested until very recently.

Since I switched to the test undecoate I've been pinning what I thought was about 450-500 mgs. per week. Since I'm running low and don't know that I want to risk ordering overseas at this point in my life I was referred to a PA who does a bit of TRT for some guys I know. I had bloodwork done and scanned the report but the file is too big to attach. The relevant numbers are:

Serum testosterone >1500 ng./dl (reference range 264-916)
Free testosterone (direct) 39.7 pg./mL (reference range 7.2-24.0)
Dihydrotestosterone 264 (reference range 30-85)
Estradiol 92.7 (reference range 7.6-42.6)
Progesterone .1 ng/ml. (reference range 0.0-0.5)
Prolactin 9.2 ng./ml.

When I had my follow up visit recently with the PA, she basically dismissed me because my total test came back so high and she didn't like the Dihydrotestosterone or estradiol numbers either. She said she wouldn't prescribe testosterone enanthate to anyone with free test over 1500. After she basically cut the video call short I was pretty pissed that she didn't even offer to prescribe arimidex which she had mentioned previously. Apparently she doesn't offer HCG either but hey you can pay what seems like a lot for B12 and other vitamin injections (I get more than a year's supply of injectable B vitamins on Amazon for less than the $15 she charges for a shot). It seems like this is just side money for her. It sure was a waste of my time and money ($200 cash for her + copay for bloodwork).

She referred me to a local doctor who she said could help me and get me in soon but the appointment is a month out. I have suspended pinning any test undecoate for the time being. After hangin have some old powdered aromasin that I can cap but I'm guessing an an appropriate dose. I'm thinking maybe 5 mg. per day and I'll probably pin a bit of test between now and seeing the new actual doctor in a month. I don't know if he'll want to run new bloodwork or if I should tell him about my experience with the PA. She described him as operating quasi legally and she said he offered other drugs (maybe she meant deca, I'm not sure) and I believe HCG and HGH although I'm sure the HGH is absurdly expensive. She seemed to be saying that he helps more hardcore juicers and it sounds like she doesn't want to be involved with doses higher than TRT. This doctor is a real MD. He markets himself as an anti aging clinic.

I'm seeking general advice and especially some help getting a hold of my estrogen. I would like to feel generally better. I do experience what I'd call brain fog and poor memory but that could have other causes. I'd especially like to be able to orgasm more easily as I don't intend to stay single indefinitely. Thanks in advance.

how do you test the purity of your homebrew? do you have any suggestions?