Anabolic steroids used in recovery from a spinal cord injury


New member
Earlier this year I fractured and dislocated my spine at the T-10 and T-11 level. It has been about 8 months post injury and now I am starting to regain some mobility and sensation in my lower extremities. Next week I am seeing my doctor to begin a physical therapy program. I found information about a Veterans Hospital in Florida having success with an oral anabolic steroid called "oxandrolone" that was given to patients with spinal cord injuries during a physical therapy program. I was not able to find much more information about spinal cord injury recovery and steroid use. Is there a better alternative to an oral anabolic steroid? Any advice or information is appreciated
I know this thread is old... bk I hope and prey your doing better! Stay strong and keep the fight. During my time in the military I had a bad injury to C4-C7. Fusion, plates, screws, pain, therapy and a long battle within myself transpired... A long battle but I'm better now. Now, I didn't suffer the same level of injury you have. I've been a SCI nurse for the last 16 years. No Doctor would even listen at the time but this was in the 90's. Today they will listen a little...This is what I did.
I used 20Mg of Anavar (Oxandrolone) PO Q AM to help prevent muscle atrophy and add in my strength.
HGH 2 IU Q AM Sub Q... With the thought that maybe just maybe it would help with helping my spinal cord "Repair." I had to get my "Meds" on my own and I stayed on this program for 12 months on 2 months off. While off I used the typical post cycle therapy (pct). My blood work was always great at those doses. I will say 100% it helped me! I was always asking and trying to get the MD's to write the script for Anavar, HGH, IGF-LR3 or Nerve Growth Factor. Always showing them this report or study... They would just look at me like I was nuts. Just last month I went to the SCI center at Hines VA for a follow up and 1 of my old Doctors did tell me, "Hay your Oxandrolone idea is being used today." I asked about my other "Ideas" and he said they have tried and the only thing that is really showing any real regeneration is stem cell therapy.
That's my information. I hope it offers a little help as its real practical application that I feel helped me. PM me if you have any other questions. Again stay strong brother!