Anavar and stopping bcp


New member
I have recently stopped taking my bcp due to the fact I recently started a cycle of Anavar 10mg about a week ago. Last night the condom broke and I am 5 days away from ovulation. Taking plan b is very strong but do not what to end up pregnant? Should I stop the Anavar and take the plan b or does Anavar effect the chance of pregnancy?!? Please help!!!
Ok good stuff. Do you think the spike in the horomones is going to mess me up not to mention kill my kidneys? Should I stop the Anavar (var) the days I take the plan b???

from what I have read, as I don't need bcp so I don't have actual experience is that you should be able to take bcp while you are on var. Anavar (var) is not likely going to keep you from getting pregnant. If you do not want to chance a pregnancy, I suggest you take the plan B and get back on your bcp.
Yes but it is equivalent to like 8 birth control pills. So That is a lot of progestin/estrogen. I'm just hoping my hormones won't get sacked out.
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Yes but it is equivalent to like 8 birth control pills. So That is a lot of progestin/estrogen. I'm just hoping my hormones won't get wacked out.
You'd be better off getting Ella instead of PlanB since it doesn't affect the estrogen or androgen receptors and it's good for up to 5 days after unprotected sex.