Anavar cause a rise in RBC?


New member
Looking at my first var run. My plan is to take a moderate dose of var (25 -50mg) with my TRT dose of cyp.

Will the added var cause a rise in RBC above and beyond of my TRT dose of cyp?

This is a concern as RBC has become problematic to maintain just on TRT . A month after donating blood RBC was already at 5.8

Yes I plan to donate every 56 days.
I personally have not read anything on anavar and significant increases in RBC in comparison to Anadrol or Equipoise. I have some experience with EQ at 600mg per week and THAT didn't even affect my RBC. When I was told over and over I would have to donate blood I scheduled a donation but decided to get labs done, to my suprise my RBC was a little high than precycle bloods but a donation was not necessary.
Looking at my first var run. My plan is to take a moderate dose of var (25 -50mg) with my TRT dose of cyp.

Will the added var cause a rise in RBC above and beyond of my TRT dose of cyp?

This is a concern as RBC has become problematic to maintain just on TRT . A month after donating blood RBC was already at 5.8

Yes I plan to donate every 56 days.

thats crazy man, sx to hear. everyone is not the same in many areas. ill be on full cycle and have RBC fine, never had to donate even on 750mg test ew.
maybe there is something diet wise you can do to help, and avoid donation
thats crazy man, sx to hear. everyone is not the same in many areas. ill be on full cycle and have RBC fine, never had to donate even on 750mg test ew.
maybe there is something diet wise you can do to help, and avoid donation
Drinking tea in large quantities can help. The tannins in the tea slow the process of red blood cell generation. I don't normally bring it up because I know some folks will think it's a replacement for donating if they need to.

AverageMan: Yes, anavar *may* increase your hemoglobin more, but I bet you dropped 6% or more on your last donation. It's pretty rare to see guys in my shoes that have to donate very often as I make a RIDICULOUS amount of red blood cells and platelets.

(I had to skip a month and a half, and my hematocrit was right at the cutoff of 59.9%)
Drinking tea in large quantities can help. The tannins in the tea slow the process of red blood cell generation. I don't normally bring it up because I know some folks will think it's a replacement for donating if they need to.

AverageMan: Yes, anavar *may* increase your hemoglobin more, but I bet you dropped 6% or more on your last donation. It's pretty rare to see guys in my shoes that have to donate very often as I make a RIDICULOUS amount of red blood cells and platelets.

(I had to skip a month and a half, and my hematocrit was right at the cutoff of 59.9%)

Thanks for the info Any type of tea specifically? Green or plan old Lipton?

I just took a look back. RBC was 5.78 - I donated blood and 30 days later had labs again and it was 5.8! I'm not eligible again until mid May. BTW.. I'm running a cut and am down to 160lbs 5'9"

Another question - if the var is faked with dbol (that never happens, right?) - will it case an increase in RBC too?