I'm pretty new to the site so i figured i should post up the cycle i'm on right now..
i have 200x10mg of innovagen anavar so this is what i'm doing.
week 1: 20mg ED
week 2-5: 40mg ED
week 6: 50mg ED
week 7: 50mg ED
week 8-10: 20mg nolvadex
these may change depending how i am feeling. Like i will probably up week 1 to 30mg's after 4 days and then go to 40mg's from day 8 on to the next few weeks..
it is my second cycle.. my previous one was a few years ago.. m1-t(yes i know) at 4 weeks for 10mg's a day.. despite a lot supposingly being water i honestly gained quite a bit and strength went up huge on it and i did keep a lot..
current stats:
age: 24
height: 5'5-6ish
weight: 158lbs
arms: 16.5"
chest: 43"
waist: 28-29
years working out: tons
currently holding on to a 6pack (but barely) so im sitting at probably around 10% bf..
really looking for a lot of strength and lean muscle mass gains and hoping to keep it all. Reason for not adding test.. to be honest cuz i'm a bitch... Next cycle will probably be test enanthate at roughly 500mg's a week pinned twice a week with probably some dbol to kick start as i have some sitting around and if this cycle goes well i will end it with var..
current bench (monday night) 275x4.. so i'd guess 1rm is 300..(going to confirm next monday) and i would like to finish off with at least benching 315
hoping to get the weight up to 165 at least and with less fat than i have now..
current routine:
Monday: Chest
Tuedsay: Shoulders and Back
Wednesday: Abs and cardio
Thursday: Bi's and Tri's
Friday: rest
Saturday: Legs with a bit of light cardio at the end
Sunady: Rest
Current diet:
Im aiming to be eating around 4k calories a day with meals roughly every 2.5 hours durin the day.. protein will be aimed at 300grams a day
Other Supplements:
Creatine monohydrate: 10g's a day (have already been doing this for awhile now, split twice a day)
Omega 3: 6grams a day split up twice
Trib: 3g's a day (in the morning)
vitamin c: 2grams a day (split up twice)
L arginine: 5 grams in the morning
Whey: 3 scoops a day (1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon and 1 post workout)
calcium: 500mg's a day
vitamin e: 400iu
i also have glucosamine, msm, and shark cartlidge if the joints get sore i add in
more updates to come.. questions/comments are welcome
also i am currently on day 12.. i am up 4lbs and have already benched 300x2
i have 200x10mg of innovagen anavar so this is what i'm doing.
week 1: 20mg ED
week 2-5: 40mg ED
week 6: 50mg ED
week 7: 50mg ED
week 8-10: 20mg nolvadex
these may change depending how i am feeling. Like i will probably up week 1 to 30mg's after 4 days and then go to 40mg's from day 8 on to the next few weeks..
it is my second cycle.. my previous one was a few years ago.. m1-t(yes i know) at 4 weeks for 10mg's a day.. despite a lot supposingly being water i honestly gained quite a bit and strength went up huge on it and i did keep a lot..
current stats:
age: 24
height: 5'5-6ish
weight: 158lbs
arms: 16.5"
chest: 43"
waist: 28-29
years working out: tons
currently holding on to a 6pack (but barely) so im sitting at probably around 10% bf..
really looking for a lot of strength and lean muscle mass gains and hoping to keep it all. Reason for not adding test.. to be honest cuz i'm a bitch... Next cycle will probably be test enanthate at roughly 500mg's a week pinned twice a week with probably some dbol to kick start as i have some sitting around and if this cycle goes well i will end it with var..
current bench (monday night) 275x4.. so i'd guess 1rm is 300..(going to confirm next monday) and i would like to finish off with at least benching 315
hoping to get the weight up to 165 at least and with less fat than i have now..
current routine:
Monday: Chest
Tuedsay: Shoulders and Back
Wednesday: Abs and cardio
Thursday: Bi's and Tri's
Friday: rest
Saturday: Legs with a bit of light cardio at the end
Sunady: Rest
Current diet:
Im aiming to be eating around 4k calories a day with meals roughly every 2.5 hours durin the day.. protein will be aimed at 300grams a day
Other Supplements:
Creatine monohydrate: 10g's a day (have already been doing this for awhile now, split twice a day)
Omega 3: 6grams a day split up twice
Trib: 3g's a day (in the morning)
vitamin c: 2grams a day (split up twice)
L arginine: 5 grams in the morning
Whey: 3 scoops a day (1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon and 1 post workout)
calcium: 500mg's a day
vitamin e: 400iu
i also have glucosamine, msm, and shark cartlidge if the joints get sore i add in
more updates to come.. questions/comments are welcome
also i am currently on day 12.. i am up 4lbs and have already benched 300x2