Before I kick this dead horse some more, I do want to restate that Ripped provided you with answers including proof that's applicable to your situation. Besides, I thought you slept on this and decided to listen?
So if that is the case, how do I know supplements in general don't mess up the human body as well?
Supplements can cause just as much harm (or more) than AAS can. This is why many of them have a dose listed on the bottle, which can be dangerous to exceed. My little brother found this out as a child when he consumed an entire bottle of iron fortified Flintstone vitamins. Iron is needed, but too much is TOXIC and can kill you. He didn't particularly enjoy the activated charcoal and stomach pumping that ensued.
There are many men out there who have ran oral only cycles with Var and received solid gains. As long as they keep hitting the gym hard they pretty much maintain what they have and continue to grow. What do you say about that? This is why I am highly confused.
Do you know how many guys make outright retarded claims? Apparently some think it's normal to gain 40 lbs in 10 weeks, only to "lose" their "gains" by dropping 36lbs of it later. (it's water because they didn't use an AI)
Hell, I've seen kids brag that they tripled their max lifts during a cycle. Is this possible? Sure, if you bench 20lbs. My point being that if it's not a PUBLISHED and PEER-REVIEWED study, you can take it with a grain of salt as Milton mentioned above. Even then, you have to be able to determine what is actually science and what's pseudoscience.
SO basically Var should only be used by guys who are advanced lifters looking to cut for a contest. Correct?
Its counterproductive for a guy who is just starting out looking to put on MASS. You may gain a little bit but in the long term it won't be worth it cause you will lose it within a couple months more than likely. Might as well just continue to eat well and lift weights and take creatine.
Yes, many advanced guys will take var. But they ALSO take testosterone among other compounds. You stop making test during a cycle, so ignoring the fact that the body NEEDS testosterone to function is just ignorance.
You're in good hands here, listen to what these guys are telling you, and you can avoid messing up your body, and wasting your hard-earned money.
My .02c