Anavar does not reduce testosterone in low doses. Read this please.


New member
Scientifically proven.........

I am very confused now. You guys say its bad, this article says its ok if you take no more than 50 mg's per day. What am I supposed to believe?

This steroid works well for the promotion of strength and duality muscle mass gains, although it's mild nature makes it less than ideal for bulking purposes. Among bodybuilders it is most commonly used during cutting phases of training when water retention is a concern. The standard dosage for men is in the range of 20-50mg per day, a level that should produce noticeable results. It can be further combined with anabolics like Primobolan and Winstrol to elicit a harder, more defined look without added water retention. Such combinations are very popular and can dramatically enhance the show physique. One can also add strong non-aromatizing androgens like Halotestin, Proviron or trenbolone. In this case the androgen really helps to harden up the muscles, while at the same time making conditions more favorable for fat reduction. Some athletes do choose to incorporate oxandrolone into bulking stacks, but usually with standard bulking drugs like testosterone or Dianabol. The usual goal in this instance is an additional gain of strength, as well as more quality look to the androgen bulk. Women who fear the masculinizing effects of many steroids would be quite comfortable using this drug, as this is very rarely seen with low doses. Here a daily dosage of 5mg should illicit considerable growth without the noticeable androgenic side effects of other drugs. Eager females may wish to addition mild anabolics like Winstrol, Primobolan or Durabolin. When combined with such anabolics, the user should notice faster, more pronounced muscle-building effects, but may also increase the likelihood of androgenic buildup.

Studies using low dosages of this compound note minimal interferences with natural testosterone production. Likewise when it is used alone in small amounts there is typically no need for ancillary drugs like Clomid/Nolvadex or HCG. This has a lot to do with the fact that it does not convert to estrogen, which we know has an extremely profound effect on endogenous hormone production. Without estrogen to trigger negative feedback, we seem to note a higher threshold before inhibition is noted. But at higher dosages of course, a suppression of natural testosterone levels will still occur with this drug as with any anabolic/androgenic steroid and therefore require post cycle therapy to restore the HPTA.
grain of salt, Anavar is very mild in this regard, so mild that one could take Anavar and still produce some natural testosterone. However, some suppression will still exist and the extent will largely be dose dependent.
grain of salt, Anavar is very mild in this regard, so mild that one could take Anavar and still produce some natural testosterone. However, some suppression will still exist and the extent will largely be dose dependent.

Oh so now its "Some suppression"

Im only taking 50 mg's per day. Its been proven from a scientific standpoint that it will increase strength and vascularity in the muscles leading to better pumps and harder muscles. Also will help with reducing bodyfat in the mid section. This is why people told me to not go over 50 mg's per day of use. I am actually pretty upset right now getting worked up because members of this board told me I was going to shut down my bodies testosterone completely. That is not right to say to people who come on here and are new to this. I'm not taking DBOL or something hardcore like that. This is a very mild steroid which has brought many people nice results for a reason. And no they have never had to do a PCT after or felt their bodies Test shut down because they took 40-50 mg's of Var per day. They felt better than ever after their cycle to be completely honest with you.

Also I just did some more researching and read this. Seems to me as long as I stick to my 50 mg's I will be fine..............

Why did anyone ever tell me I was going to harm myself taking 50 mgs per day? I want an answer and I deserve an answer.

From what I have read, if you stick to a low dose of Var such as 20-50 mg's per day for men, PCT won't be needed after the cycle. PCT is only required with Var if say a guy was taking 80-100 mg's per day of the entire cycle. We both know that most bodybuilders would be taking even more than 100 mg's per day of Var since they want to put on the most mass possible during their cycle so that is why test is needed along with their Var dose. I am reading and researching all day long over here and it seems even from a scientific and medical standpoint that the dose I am taking each day will not cause me to need PCT.
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LOL that is a bullshit article with NO scientific references so NO it isnt scientifically proven.

Here is a study aka REAL SCIENCE, and I can find many more, PROVING that var is suppressive:

JAP : J Appl Physiol

The dose was only 20MG per day and all gains were lost 12 weeks after the cycle was stopped.
So if it isnt suppressive why were all gains lost?
If it isnt suppressive why is pct required?
There are other studies showing suppression at 15mg per day after only 5 DAYS of use - so your "50mg is fine" idea is bullshit.

If I was you I would accept the FACT that var is suppressive & move on, but if you want me to make you look like a fool then please bring up more bullshit articles with no references vs me & my real science.
I honestly do not care if you decide to fuck yourself up with this idiotic var only cycle but DO NOT pretend that science is on your side - because it isnt :)
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It says that the fat loss these people achieved was substained 12 weeks after the people stopped using the gear. It does say that their strength gains were lost as well though. So basically what you are telling me is that the person's strength gains will go back to what they were before they started using Var. The person would then have to resort to continue eating big and working their butt off in the gym to continue progress. Unless they went back on gear of course. They may lose strength gains but they wouldn't lose the muscle they grew during the cycle. Everyone knows once you get off gear you are not going to be able to lift as heavy as you did on it.

This is why people who go off gear in MLB for example, end up not hitting home runs like they did before the drug test. They also lose a little size in muscle as well. That's not a mystery to anyone. But they still look athletic when all is said and done.

I can't believe Im even arguing over this stupid shit. I am just highly confused as to why so many articles say its ok to use Var and you guys keep saying the shit is bogus.
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If there is one member on this forum you don't want to start a science-based internet debate with it's Rip, quit now before he really puts you in your place. Or don't either way it's going to be entertaining as hell to watch.
If there is one member on this forum you don't want to start a science-based internet debate with it's Rip, quit now before he really puts you in your place. Or don't either way it's going to be entertaining as hell to watch.

Im very confused that is why I replied to him.

But even as the above poster said, its a grain of salt correct? Depending on the dose with Var since its mild will have different effects on how much your natural test is effected.
Im very confused that is why I replied to him.

But even as the above poster said, its a grain of salt correct? Depending on the dose with Var since its mild will have different effects on how much your natural test is effected.

its better if you believe what you read here as these guys DONT get paid to post their opinions here. Those studies are backed by big business.
Stop trying to convince yourself its a good idea, thats exactly what you trying to do. Any and EVERY anabolic/androgenic steroid is suppressive to you HPTA some more so than other but every one is none the less. End of disscussion. Unless you are a female then you have no bussiness running oral only cycles.
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Stop trying to convince yourself its a good idea, thats exactly what you trying to do. Any and EVERY anabolic/androgenic steroid is suppressive to you HPTA some more so than other but every one is none the less. End of disscussion. Unless you are a female then you have no bussiness running oral only cycles.

There are many men out there who have ran oral only cycles with Var and received solid gains. As long as they keep hitting the gym hard they pretty much maintain what they have and continue to grow. What do you say about that? This is why I am highly confused.
There are many men out there who have ran oral only cycles with Var and received solid gains. As long as they keep hitting the gym hard they pretty much maintain what they have and continue to grow. What do you say about that? This is why I am highly confused.
What do I have to say about that? I have to say thats not what were talking about here is what I have to say, were talkng about if Var shuts you down, and it does. Ive been in this racket for over 10 years and bros on here whove been at it double that. Youre not gonna convince any of us that something is true when its not.
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Here is another study:

Oxandrolone in the treatment of ... [J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI

This was at 40mg and I quote:
Oxandrolone*treatment was associated with significant*suppression*of sex hormone-binding globulin, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and total and free testosterone levels.

To make gains from anabolics you HAVE to suppress your natural production - again this is common knowledge.

Lets break this down:
Knowledgeable guys on here & SCIENCE say it shuts you down.
A bunch of guys you know NOTHING about look fine & some bullshit no reference article says its fine.

Stop trying to justify your dumbass decision & accept the FACT that it shuts you down.
What do I have to say about that? I have to say thats not what were talking about here is what I have to say, were talkng about if Var shuts you down, and it does. Ive been in this racket for over 10 years and bros on here whove been at it double that. Youre not gonna convince any of us that something is true when its not.

SO basically Var should only be used by guys who are advanced lifters looking to cut for a contest. Correct?

Its counterproductive for a guy who is just starting out looking to put on MASS. You may gain a little bit but in the long term it won't be worth it cause you will lose it within a couple months more than likely. Might as well just continue to eat well and lift weights and take creatine.
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Dude shut the fuq up already. How many times will you start these threads about the same shit ? You don't believe us? Ok start your anavar only cycle and see how works out for you
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Listen, your 35 and confused. You can do whatever you want. Your an adult. Don't come on here preaching about stuff you know nothing about. There are young members that come on here looking for an easy way out. It just doesn't exist. It all revolves around diet, training and rest. You posted its a mild steroid. So what are you trying to accomplish? Anybody with a clue knows that test is the base of all cycles period! You go do what you want but keep the nonsense out of here. You were given top notch advice. Now you just trolling and starting shit for no reason. Go educate yourself and enuff with these threads already!
De-repped. This is getting old fast. All I can see is that you're one confused man whom can't articulate his opinion in a succinct way, in one thread. You're trying to justify a losing position by spouting forth straw-man fallacies.
To all the replies, I respect your opinions on this but ............

I've yet to see a study that suggest Anavar will shut you down. I've seen studies that suggest some suppression and maybe that's to be expected to some extent but baseline test and LH actually increased after coming off. I've also seen studies that say test levels were increased during administration.

The effects of oxandrolone on the growth hormone and gonadal axes in boys with constitutional delay of growth and puberty - Malhotra - 2008 - Clinical Endocrinology - Wiley Online Library
"RESULTS - Growth velocity increased during oxandrolone treatment and stayed higher after therapy (pre 3.9 ± 0.5; on 6.3 ± 0.8; post 6.4 ± 0.9 cm/year (mean±SEM) two way ANOVA, F=5.3, P= 0.02). Oxandrolone had androgenic effects, suppressing mean serum LH concentrations from 1.7 ± 0.3 to 1.1 ± 0.2 U/I and serum testosterone concentrations from 1.9 ± 0.6 to 0.8 ± 0.1 nmol/l. SHBG concentrations were also reduced from 130.9 ± 14.6 to 307±73 nmol/l. Serum GH concentration fell slightly from 5.9 ± 0.6 to 4.8 ± 0.5 mU/l. After cessation of treatment, there was a significant***8216;rebound***8217;in mean 24-hour serum LH (2.6 U/l ± 0.4) and testosterone concentrations (3.2 ± 0.9 nmol/ l) but no change in serum GH concentrations. SHBG values also rose but not to the same extent as those observed before therapy (82.0 ± 84 nmol/l). There were no statistically significant differences in serum concentrations of FSH, DHEAS, IGF-I and insulin over the study period."

Another study...

The Effect of Oxandrolone on the Endocrinologic, Inflammatory, and Hyper********* Responses During the Acute Phase Postburn
"However, we found that oxandrolone administration significantly increased testosterone levels at several time points postburn. Similar data were found by Malhotra and colleagues56 in growth delayed boys. The authors suggested that oxandrolone has an androgenic action and effect thus stimulating serum LH and testosterone.56 The exact mechanisms by which oxandrolone increases endogenous androgenic hormone production are unknown."

"Conclusions: In this large prospective, double-blinded, randomized single-center study, oxandrolone shortened length of acute hospital stay, maintained LBM, improved body composition and hepatic protein synthesis while having no adverse effects on the endocrine axis postburn, but was associated with an increase in AST and ALT."

Even more...Author L.Rea's book "Building The Perfect Beast"
( Author L.Rea is one of the top experts in the field on anabolic pharmacology )
"Pre-contest, Anavar significantly increased hardness and aided in lean mass retention during calorie-restricted periods. During use, some strength gains were realized but weight gain was slow even with a higher calorie intake. However, the weight was pure lean muscle and was mostly retained post-cycle even without HPTA stimulation. This was due to Anavar's distinct lack of HPTA suppression qualities and low androgenic value."
Swole, if you want to run a cycle we can help you get set up with an proper one. Not one person here has a vested interest in what you do or don't do. We are simply trying to help you avoid making a mistake. It isn't like if we can stop you from using Var by itself that we all get a big payout or there is more Var around for the rest of us.

Have you read the studies that Ripped supplied you with? Do you undersand them?
Lol you really want to go science mode on me? Ok :)

Both of the studies I gave you showed clear, significant suppression so lets chuck your "no study showing shutdown" bullshit out the window.

The first two studies you referenced involved boys going through PUBERTY - of course their test was going to rebound.
Your a full grown 35yr old man - this has zero relevance to you.

The final paragraph is a book statement, not scientific evidence & the link doesnt work so I'll ignore it.

All studies in pubertal boys should be ignored - but before you continue to desperately search for some ammo in your failed argument remember this:
I come from a family of endocronoligists, so I think I would know if var was suppressive or not LOL.
Also, I am NOT giving you my "opinion" - I am giving you facts that your treating as opinions, just so we're clear.