anavar only cycle risk question


New member
I want to do an anavar only cycle as my first cycle to give me a boost in the gym and help get me a little leaner. Everyone says to run a maintenance dose of test with it.

One of the negative side effects of anavar is it shuts down your htpa and I read other posts where people say you can do permanent damage. If I ran a maintenance dose of test, I would still get shut down so wouldn't it be the same risk to the htpa as running anavar only? Is my thinking correct?
the risk is always there. Educate yourself, pick an option and do it. You have to be willing to accept the consequences. None of us can do that for you.

FYI, I've seen successful anavar only cycles (10mg daily from an actual pharmacy, and gained 12 pounds). I've also seen friends get shut down from a single cycle tell.
I want to do an anavar only cycle as my first cycle to give me a boost in the gym and help get me a little leaner. Everyone says to run a maintenance dose of test with it.

One of the negative side effects of anavar is it shuts down your htpa and I read other posts where people say you can do permanent damage. If I ran a maintenance dose of test, I would still get shut down so wouldn't it be the same risk to the htpa as running anavar only? Is my thinking correct?

What a dullard! Male bodies have to have Testosterone

This is like the 5th thread about an oral only cycle. You will suppress your natural test production and will not like the results. Unless you are a girl. If you are a girl use oral only, if you are a man then man up and inject some test for your first cycle. Not trying to be rude but research all of the issues that come with oral only cycles before asking the same question several others have asked in the last few days.
I'm guessing you are a female?

Surely you can't be a male - suggesting a period of existing with no testosterone in your body?

The answers you seek are in the stickies on the home page my friend.

Oral only cycles are not well received around here - and rightly so!
I want to do an anavar only cycle as my first cycle to give me a boost in the gym and help get me a little leaner. Everyone says to run a maintenance dose of test with it.

One of the negative side effects of anavar is it shuts down your htpa and I read other posts where people say you can do permanent damage. If I ran a maintenance dose of test, I would still get shut down so wouldn't it be the same risk to the htpa as running anavar only? Is my thinking correct?

If I'm reading you correctly here, your thinking is this, correct?

-a) Var will shut down your hpta
-b) injecting test will shut down your hpta
Therefore if I'm going to be shut down either way, then doing a var only cycle is ok.

That's what your thinking right?

What your missing here is with a) the var only cycle,, you will be shut down and have NO testosterone in your body (and you'll become a Lille sissy bitch) .. Where as with b) testosterone cycle,, you will be naturally shut down yet you will and can have testosterone in your system up to 10 times higher then your natural level (and you'll become a fucking bad ass manly man)

There's a big difference.. Your thinking is off here
If I'm reading you correctly here, your thinking is this, correct?

-a) Var will shut down your hpta
-b) injecting test will shut down your hpta
Therefore if I'm going to be shut down either way, then doing a var only cycle is ok.

That's what your thinking right?

What your missing here is with a) the var only cycle,, you will be shut down and have NO testosterone in your body (and you'll become a Lille sissy bitch) .. Where as with b) testosterone cycle,, you will be naturally shut down yet you will and can have testosterone in your system up to 10 times higher then your natural level (and you'll become a fucking bad ass manly man)

There's a big difference.. Your thinking is off here

OP - I guess you already are that sissy no testosterone bitch- u must already be on a var only cycle-
Neg rep me and call me a dick for telling you the truth- grow up and grow a pair!
did a 6 week var only cycle and dick is still as hard as ever I didn't use test! Great first cycle for when I was cutting for my show!
By: 3J
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

Oxandrolone, (also known as anavar, var, and oxandrin) is a dihydrotestoterone synthetic derivative first produced by Raphael Pappo. The drug was introduced to the US market in 1964. Its androgenic properties are weak while boasting a larger anabolic characteristic. It is a 17-alpha alkylated steroid and, thus, its footprint on the body is small. Being 17- alpha alkylated and a DHT derivative, anavar or var is mildly hepa-toxic (toxic to the liver) and does not aromatize (convert to estrogen). It was first used in humans who had diseases which would cause muscular atrophy (the loss of muscle) like those infected with HIV/AIDS. In low dosages (20mg a day) anavar has been shown to be mildly suppressive of the HTPA. When doses increase, anavar shows stronger suppression of the LH (lutenizing hormone, the hormone that communicates with the testies to create testosterone) due to a signal in the body that tells it there is too much endogenous testosterone production. As LH levels reduce testicular atrophy (shrinking of the testicles) becomes apparent.

Proper use:
Anavar (var) is one of the most popular introductory steroids for first time users due to its mild effect on the body and its lack of need for injections. Unlike other steroids that aromatize, the gains seen with the use of var are what we in the bodybuilding world call ***8220;true gain***8221; or gains that occur due to muscle growth and not water weight secondary to aromatization. The proper dosage for anavar varies, but anywhere from 20-80mg a day (in males, over an 8 week period) split into two doses has been shown to be effective. The drug should be taken on an empty stomach when possible. It should also not be taken late at night due to reports of insomnia.
Since anavar has a weak androgenic profile, it is also one of the most popular steroids for women. Its weak androgenic profile reduces the chances of virilization (the biological development of sex differences) in women. Women who take 5mg to 10mg daily over an 8 week period show favorable recomposition of their bodies. Though mild, there is still the possibility of virilization and females should take the necessary precautions when using any steroid.

With men, it is recommended that anavar not be used on its own due to the possible suppression of the HTPA and lowering of natural testosterone levels. As a golden rule, testosterone should be the base of all cycles. Those who do chose to run anavar on its own should also run the proper PCT (post cycle therapy) drugs like clomid to help return the balance of their HTPA and natural testosterone levels.
did a 6 week var only cycle and dick is still as hard as ever I didn't use test! Great first cycle for when I was cutting for my show!

Your brain has the most testosterone receptors,, not you dick, lol.. Also your heart and cardiovascular health are dependent on it.
But go ahead and screw yourself up to loose a little BF
did a 6 week var only cycle and dick is still as hard as ever I didn't use test! Great first cycle for when I was cutting for my show!

cool story bro!!!

now just because you did a pretty stupid thing and survived it doesn't mean someone else will..

but thanks for sharing!!!