Anavar only into a Test E cycle


New member
OK so I stupidly didn't take any forum advice on taking anavar on it's own. I've been taking 50mg a day am/pm for about 4 weeks now. I haven't had any sides, I can still get it up and my testes feel fine. And actually had some good results from it strength and definition.
I want to run a test e cycle 500mg a week sun/thurs
With Aromasin 12.5mg eod
nolva for pct 20/20/10/10
maybe m-test with it
keep taking aromasin pct

Also cutting cycle at 2000 calories a day clycling carbs

Should i be doing anything extra after running the anavar alone?
I am 30, 6ft, 80kg and unsure of bf%

If you want to abuse me that's fine just looking for some help

Do you have what you need to run this? If so, I would jump straight to it. The anavar has probably shut you down so your body needs that test.

You will probably need more Estrogen control with 500 test and I'd recommend HCG or your nuts will shrink.

Can't comment on PCT. no experience there
Aromasin needs taken daily due to it's half life. It should never be taken in pct. You need clomid with nolva. Read the beginner cycle stickys.
Do you have what you need to run this?

It's all arriving this week. The shutdown was the only thing I could think of which if I am the test will sort out. Should I stop the anavar now and leave it for the end of test cycle? Keep taking it? Or not take anymore. 3 weeks worth left
6' at 2,000 calories a day? I would wither away on that diet. Suggest you eat a lot more, particularly if you start taking 500 test.

Figure out how long to wait between your last test shot and PCT, and don't take aromasin into PCT.
Do you have what you need to run this?

It's all arriving this week. The shutdown was the only thing I could think of which if I am the test will sort out. Should I stop the anavar now and leave it for the end of test cycle? Keep taking it? Or not take anymore. 3 weeks worth left
id just finish it and start the test, 3 weeks isnt gonna do much later on and its gonna take weeks for the test to start doing much as it is so if it was me id just finish the var while starting the test.
and id drop AI in pct and for pct id rec 4-5 weeks of 35-50mg clomi and 20mg tamox ed.

good luck