Anavar only thinking of stopping


New member
Hey guys,

First post here!! I have played hockey, lacrosse, rugby pretty much my entire life up to about 5 years ago. Lifted on and off since I was 17. Been lifting consistently (5 days a week) the last 11 months.I hired a personal trainer who has been a professional and national Body builder who is planning to work with me and really focus on consistent body scans and assessments throughout.
22% BF

Been doing a lot of research (regrettably after I started taking anavar only 50mg ED for the last two weeks (13 days). I purchased two bottles of Test E, Arimidex, and another package of anavar 25mg. I was planning on using Clomid and HCG for PCT (the more I read the more I realize now I should be using it 500ui per week) but havent started using test at all yet as I just got it today. I got this stuff from a friend who has been selling and using gear for about a year seeing amazing results. I am considering stopping all together given my current stats. I had just lost around 42 lbs of body weight and was given advice from a friend to start anavar only for 8 weeks with clomid for PCT. Like an idiot I trusted him to inform me of what I needed to know, more importantly, I failed to do the PROPER research before I took it. Now I have Anavar (8 weeks worth) Test e (8 weeks worth) and Arimidex. Given that I will be pushing my body hard with volume and a personal trainer really focusing in on my nutrition and training, what should I do? Can I come off of anavar after two weeks, lose the fat naturally, or just start this cycle and work hard with my coach and blast it? I wanted to really do a considerable amount of research before starting test e, hence the anavar only.

Also, one last question, I started anavar two weeks ago at 50 ED at 195 lbs, after two weeks I notice the pumps are good at the gym, but I shot right up to 205, admittedly, my diet hasnt been great, my grandmother passed away and its been over indulging later at night.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate you taking the time to check out my post.
please read up in beginers cycles man, anavar oral cycle is NOT for men. get blood works done and stop taking evrything your so called friends sell you and tell you to take.
Hey thanks for replying cas. Yeah, I did, not only that I did research on hcg during, cycle assists, proper pct, etc. This is why I am posting and considering stopping. Another large reason is I feel my body fat is too high (based on what the suggestion is to even start a cut cycle , 15% minimum, more like 13%) my real question is should I be ok without pct, such a low dosage for only two weeks... Seems like mixed information many say I will be fine. I really wish I found the proper information before starting this var only cycle.
So you are only 13 days into this oral only cycle, not a long time, but enough that you've started to suppress your natural test production and if you keep going you'll be in a bind. Two choices - stop and PCT, or start taking testosterone and keep going.

Since you are only 32 and this is your first cycle, you would probably be fine to just quit and not PCT. You would probably bounce back, but everybody is different, maybe you won't so best course of action if you decide to bail would be to take those PCT drugs. With a short half life oral you could start within a day or two of quitting.

But if it was me, I would likely chose to keep going, and fix the cycle by adding testosterone. Sounds like you've already made the decision to plunge into AAS use, so use these next couple of days to research, ask questions, and get on a better path.

You could think about 500 mg/wk Test E. With two bottles that gets you 10 weeks. You could also keep taking that anavar for another two to four weeks, or stop. It's up to you. It would be good to take 500 IU HCG per week while on cycle and in the gap between cycle and PCT, and blast 1,000 per day for 7 to 10 days just before PCT. For arimidex at 500 mg/wk test E a dose of 0.25 EOD might be a good starting point, but you'll have to calibrate it after 6 weeks with a blood test to see if you need more or less. For PCT get both nolva and clomid.

Good luck, let us know what you decide or ask any questions.
Thanks for replying man. So I didn't take my 14th day var today. You figure I will be ok given that it's such a low dosage and my first cycle? How long before my test starts to recover? Seems like some say you can't be suppressed that early on and others say you can. Your suggestion to start test, it's ok with my bf as high as it is? I was just going to get off var, and start training hard with proper diet and routine, drop the fat naturally then re-examine when I'm at my peak. What do you guys think? That this short two week var cycle will set me back in terms of natural gains moving forward? Or you think I'll be ok. As always appreciate the help you guys give.
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Ok man welcome to the board :wavey:

Listen I'm and old guys 66 yrs and been there and done this . IMOP you will be just fine and at your age will recover immediately 9 few weeks best).

AS stated don't listen to people giving you a or selling you gear. Purchase if you will but if you are serious to your Goal then just get a good plan and use what of the stuff you can but I don't suggest that to dominate the cycle. ( being serious here)

Your BF% is much too high and I really suggest you to get it down to 15% or close. If you can't get it down clean and natty then I don't think you are ready to cycle any more. Forget anything on the past.. :(

You admit not enough research so ok, just get cleaned up and do your homework by just reading the O'logy sticky's. Much for you to learn and do not discount any info. IT can and most probably come ito your use at some point if not now.

Good luck n stick with us, come back , reply ask, and update right here !!
