Anavar Powder Test Chemists Help


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any help appreciated

here is is bro's.

I have a small sample anavar powder , before buying enough to actualy do a good cycle on I wish to have it lab tested. (anavar is supposed to cut quite often) I told the supplier this and he said that quote:

'someone else who had bought from him had it labtested using the HPLC methodto test but actually it's incorrect, and instead that i i wish to test i should use the titrition method to test instead.

When your source makes excuses as to why his powders (especially anavar) were tested low/bunk/whatever, id just steer clear of him. I had one guy tell me that 75% purity was the norm, and anything above that is "excellent quality" (maybe it is these days??) but jesus christ, I want what I pay for and Im sure you do to. My 2 cents...var is a waste of money. Just my opinion, when drugs that actually work well can be had for pennies on the ox dollar.
DougoeFre5h said:
When your source makes excuses as to why his powders (especially ana Anavar (var) ) were tested low/bunk/whatever, id just steer clear of him. I had one guy tell me that 75% purity was the norm, and anything above that is "excellent quality" (maybe it is these days??) but jesus christ, I want what I pay for and Im sure you do to. My 2 cents... Anavar (var) is a waste of money. Just my opinion, when drugs that actually work well can be had for pennies on the ox dollar.
Wow a lot of people are on the Anavar (var) kick right now. Do you feel that Anavar (var) is a waste at 100 mgs / ED. Some of us older guys would probably rather use Anavar (var) then D-bol as some of us have enlarged livers from drinking years back...LOL
DougoeFre5h said:
I had one guy tell me that 75% purity was the norm, and anything above that is "excellent quality" (maybe it is these days??) but jesus christ, I want what I pay for and Im sure you do to.
WTF is the rest of it, then? Biproducts of the manufacturing process of the actual hormone?
Tough Old Man said:
Wow a lot of people are on the Anavar (var) kick right now. Do you feel that Anavar (var) is a waste at 100 mgs / ED. Some of us older guys would probably rather use Anavar (var) then D-bol as some of us have enlarged livers from drinking years back...LOL

im a older guy. :D

Anavar (var) is fine if you looking to lean out abit and have some mild gains strength wise.

pends on what your goals are.
pullinbig said:
im a older guy. :D

var is fine if you looking to lean out abit and have some mild gains strength wise.

pends on what your goals are.
So pullinbig: You like it for leaning out but not using it to replace D-bol in a bulk. Is that correct?
As a chemistry major, I can tell you that HPLC or High Performance Liquid Chromotography is the way to go if you want "x" substance identified. In fact, I used such today in my biochemistry lab to identify various isolated compounds that I separated using different buffers such as DEAE and G25, etc. Anyways, the titration method I believe will not shed light whatsoever with respect to what the compound is and how pure it is. In fact, titration is simply a scientific analytical method used to determine total or titratable acidity. Conversely, the HPLC method, if and only if you know how to correctly analyze the peaks, will tell u exactly whether or not you have the desired compound and depending on its "fuzziness" as I unscientifically call it, how pure or "diluted" the sample is.
the problem often is the price for a HPLC to this substances! just not to mention the questions...

I had opportunity to sterilize my stuff with gamma rays, but the problem was that I needed to tell the technician what was the substance in the vials.. If I told the truth I would expect some problems and probably they were going to refuse to sterilize it, if I lied they may have the adjustments too strong and burn the hormonos, that usually most of them are photosensitive!
And the excuse "I'm a student doing a work for my biochemist blablabla" in this case wouldn't do...

Although I think you guys there have a lab that can test it without much questions.. I've seen it around here!