anavar taper(?) and post cycle therapy (pct) protocol


New member
anavar taper(?) and PCT protocol

my cycle (in week 6)

1-4 25mg ED dbol
1-12 500mg EW test-e
9-14 50mg ED anavar
1-14 1.25mg ED finasteride
1-14 0.25 mg EOD a-dex
3-14 500i.u. EW hCG
nolva 20/20/20/20
clomid 50/50/50/50

question 1) should i taper the anavar as i head into pct?

question 2) is it overkill to run both clomid and nolva?

question 3) if answer to question 2 is yes, then which one, nolva or clomid? (i have read nolva at 20mg is a much better choice than clomid at 50mg, true?)

question 4) should i taper nolva/clomid towards end of PCT?

Thanks for the help!
Quick cycle check..... thanks

Hoping for a quick check w/o all of the endoscopy that normally goes on.

40 yo and experienced (check my post history)

40 days (about 6 weeks)
50 mg eod Tren a and test p (comes out to 175mg each per week)
150 mg eod mast p (comes out to 700 mg per week)

Adex 0.25 mg eod
Caber 0.25 mg 1 time per week
Hcg 250 I.u. Eod

Pct 5-7 days after finishing
30 days
Nolva 20 mg ed
Clomid 50 mg ed
Hoping for a quick check w/o all of the endoscopy that normally goes on.

40 yo and experienced (check my post history)

40 days (about 6 weeks)
50 mg eod Tren a and test p (comes out to 175mg each per week)
150 mg eod mast p (comes out to 700 mg per week)

Adex 0.25 mg eod
Caber 0.25 mg 1 time per week
Hcg 250 I.u. Eod

Pct 5-7 days after finishing
30 days
Nolva 20 mg ed
Clomid 50 mg ed

Props for digging up your own post, from 7 years ago! Looks like nobody responded last time, but the world kept turning.... and here we are.

Not sure I can help with the endoscope, but I can fire some questions at you. Have you done this before? Looks pretty sweet to me, low dose on the test & tren, and probably pretty nice on the mast. The only thing I might question is the adex, looks like a lot for 175 mg/wk test.