Anavar/Test E Cycle need advice


New member
Hey guys,

I have started my anavar only cycle(1st ever cycle), will start week 2 tomorrow, doing a 5 week cycle.. i want to add test e to my cycle from week 3, can you please help me.

40mg var 1-5 days
60mg var 6-14 days
test e 500mg day 15 onwards(How long should i continue after finishing my var dose) + 60mg var till day 35
i have nolva on hand, proviron

stats 25 years
height 175 cms
weight 170 lbs
lifting since 3 years
bench 205 lbs
dead 315 lbs
squat 300 lbs

Please help
Or can i just do this?

Anavar 40mg Day 1-5
Anavar 60mg from day 6- Week 5
Proviron 25mg ED Weeks 3-5
Test E 3-12 500mg (Pinned Monday and Thursday)
Aromasin/Arimidex 10mg EOD Weeks 3-12
HCG 500iu (250iu pinned Monday/Thursday)

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Dude... you obviously know very little and have done no research whatsoever...
Please read the stickies on the main forum page and educate yourself before sticking pins in yourself and gulping down orals that you know nothing about.

You should NEVER take oral AAS without a Testosterone base.

I would stop everything that you are doing, pray for a quick recovery - take a few weeks/months to learn a LOT more about this field - and then construct a 'proper' 1st cycle that we can critique for you.

Dude... you obviously know very little and have done no research whatsoever...
Please read the stickies on the main forum page and educate yourself before sticking pins in yourself and gulping down orals that you know nothing about.

You should NEVER take oral AAS without a Testosterone base.

I would stop everything that you are doing, pray for a quick recovery - take a few weeks/months to learn a LOT more about this field - and then construct a 'proper' 1st cycle that we can critique for you.


Ya, im not stopping it now.. ill just add test e in a week for 10 weeks. ive made alot of investment in it.. i know anavar will shut me down, it hasnt till now.. so ill just add test
Yea I don't even know where to begin. Everything is literally completely wrong here. Everything! Sorry Ben, I'm doing it...


Ive read this like a million times, but yet i dont know why i started with anavar.. maybe because some of my gym buddies did it and got amazing results
Everything shuts you down...

agreed.. thats why i want testosterone, even that will shut me down i know.. but atleast ill follow the protocol of needing a test base. and see better results.. so can i add it in week 3? i started on 13th Sep 40mg for 5 days, then taking 60mg since.. now its the 8th day..

Ive got proviron and nolva.. PCT i was planning for 40/40/20/20.. so ill just get arimidex and HCG for test

Read then ask questions if needed...

Im telling you ive read it.. i know i need HCG to balance hormonal imbalance, arimidex to balance estrogen levels and combat acne, clomid and nolva to get test levels to normal.. im just asking can i add test now? i dont want to stop this cycle..
i know, im telling you ive read it.. i need hcg to balance hormonal levels, arimidex to combat acne and to balance estrogen levels, clomid and nolva both for pct.. and i also know i should have ran test only as my first cycle, but im here now asking you can i start test week 3 onwards?
i know, im telling you ive read it..

You clearly need to read it again... especially the bit about your first cycle being Test only,
oh, and the bit about oral only cycles... (yes, I know you are adding Test later, but this just makes no sense)
oh, and you might want to read the bit about using Clomid for PCT too :thumbsdow
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You clearly need to read it again... especially the bit about your first cycle being Test only,
oh, and the bit about oral only cycles... (yes, I know you are adding Test later, but this just makes no sense)
oh, and you might want to read the bit about using Clomid for PCT too :thumbsdow

Should i just run PCT and stop it? ive done it only for a week.. wait for a month and start test cycle?
Here's what I think you should do....

Stop the Anavar, right now.

Start the Test @500mg weekly and run a simple Test only cycle for 12 weeks
Pin the HCG every 3.5 days @250iu (SubQ) and run an AI throughout the entire cycle.

Run the 'recommended' standard PCT protocol of Clomid and Nolvadex after your cycle - and you should be just fine.

And please, learn from this... these are not smarties you are throwing into your body, they are harsh compounds - and if used immaturely and not given the respect they deserve - they can have life-changing consequences.

Good luck
Here's what I think you should do....

Stop the Anavar, right now.

Start the Test @500mg weekly and run a simple Test only cycle for 12 weeks
Pin the HCG every 3.5 days @250iu (SubQ) and run an AI throughout the entire cycle.

Run the 'recommended' standard PCT protocol of Clomid and Nolvadex after your cycle - and you should be just fine.

And please, learn from this... these are not smarties you are throwing into your body, they are harsh compounds - and if used immaturely and not given the respect they deserve - they can have life-changing consequences.

Good luck

Thank you so much Brother.. ill stop anavar, ill tryo to get rid of the remaining var.. and start my test dose next week..

I had already made a Test only cycle, which i was going to do.. Dont know why i chose to do this

Week1-12 TEST E 500mg, 250mg MONDAY AND THURSDAY
HCG @500iu a week till 3 days of my PCT
Arimidex .50mg EOD starting day 2 of my cycle

Wait 2 weeks (Continue HCG and Arimidex .50mg)
Week 15: 75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 16-18: 50mg clomid & 20mg novladex

is this okay? i was going to follow this buut dont know why i did anavar only
Yeah, almost bang on that - AI dose is a bit high - I'd run 0.5mg E3D and see how that goes (mid-cycle bloods would be ideal if you can get them)

Some guys say to leave it 3 weeks before PCT on Test E - some say 2 weeks - I'm on TRT so I don't have this issue.

The 'Var will keep for a future cycle - don't be hasty in parting with it - I doubt the resale value would be great on it to be honest.
I personally see no reason to remove Var from your cycle. Test is a must, start the Test at 500mg a week like you have planned. If you have enough to run the var at 80-100mg a day for a couple weeks you can do that. Maybe even thrwo it in the last few weeks of your cycle. Var doesn't convert to estrogen so you shouldn't have any side effects from it. Its actually worthless if you ask me, especially for the cost.
Its actually worthless if you ask me, especially for the cost.

I disagree, 'Var can be fantastic for bringing you into single figures from around the 10% mark - I've used it extremely successfully on many cycles now.

Getting good 'Var however is damn tough - it's the most commonly faked oral out there, and one of the most expensive - being sure of your source is a must!

The reason I suggested the OP leaves the 'Var out is because I'm a big believer in introducing one compound at a time.
He is young at 25 and could potentially have many cycles ahead of him.

If I was him I'd be wanting to learn as much as possible from every single cycle I run and how I react to every single compound individually.
Yeah, almost bang on that - AI dose is a bit high - I'd run 0.5mg E3D and see how that goes (mid-cycle bloods would be ideal if you can get them)

Some guys say to leave it 3 weeks before PCT on Test E - some say 2 weeks - I'm on TRT so I don't have this issue.

The 'Var will keep for a future cycle - don't be hasty in parting with it - I doubt the resale value would be great on it to be honest.

Im exchanging it with some test e :D
I personally see no reason to remove Var from your cycle. Test is a must, start the Test at 500mg a week like you have planned. If you have enough to run the var at 80-100mg a day for a couple weeks you can do that. Maybe even thrwo it in the last few weeks of your cycle. Var doesn't convert to estrogen so you shouldn't have any side effects from it. Its actually worthless if you ask me, especially for the cost.

So you're saying that i continue var, add test from next week?