Anavar vs Winstrol Suppression


I’m wondering is winstrol a lot more suppressive than anavar? And in general what sides are a lot worse(winstrol)?
Winstrol is better for Pre-Contest Prep, but you have some Sides to deal with.

It can make your Joints Hurt as it Dries you out.
Then if you are Prone to Hair Loss, it can accelerate that Loss while you are taking it.
It can cause Acne, even if you aren't Prone to it.
It's Liver Toxic, so you need to supplement with Tudca and NAC to Mitigate that issue (though I would supplement with these 2 on Tren or any Oral).

Anavar is alot kinder in a few respects.
It doesn't have the Liver Toxicity that Winstrol has (Lots of Clinical Evidence with Burn Patients).
It can however still be tough on your Hairline and Skin (some are more prone to these).

As far as Suppression.
Both will Suppress your Natural Testosterone, so a PCT is needed.
Though I wouldn't recommend doing either as a Standalone (unless you are a Female, then it's Anavar for Less Side Effects)............... JP
What is your Intended Cycle ?
Intended cycle is planned for May or April then i will have been 4-5 months off cycle
500mg test E 16w
Aromasin 15mg ED
Anavar+proviron or Winstrol without proviron

Clomid and nolvadex
And mk2866+ Cardarine to sto catabolism

General supplements
Liv52 and milkthistle for the liver
MSM with Vitamin C for the joints
Omega3 3000mg
And some multivitamins

Diet will be around 3500-4000 calories(clean diet)

My biggest question is:
I mean price worth winstrol is a lot cheaper and as i understand its harder on the liver but the gains are still solid.

Im not really interested on being big while on cycle im looking for the drug with the more keepable gains after a good pct. So if the gains of anavar are more keepable ill go with var if winstrol is more keepable ill go with win.

Im really happy with the results of only test but its time to step it up.
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your not going to get gains from these man, whinny dries you out and anavar does the same but easier on your body.
but the gains from anavar will last you longer since your not killing yourself with whinny.
Im not looking to gain more than 2-3kg leankeepable muscles per cycle. Im 172cm height 74kg 24 years old, my goal is to get lean at 80kg in a 2 years time so i have plenty of time i don't have to stress.(Plus i have a quite good physic right now).
I like winny and var together and sides are based on the individual. I never have had any sides with winny joints always felt normal my hair is the usual thick as hell and I at the most get I***8217;d say under five pimples a year. Now my brother says he sheds when on winny. I like winny a lot it***8217;s one of my favorite orals. It makes me strong as fook. And I***8217;d say for me the keepable gains are about the same on winny or var. I get super horny on winny also. Like random wood out of nowhere. If you can afford it try 50 miggs of winny and 50 miggs of var together, I***8217;m positive you will not be disappointed with the look you get. Also since their orals if you do start getting sides you can manage then when you come off the sides are gone fairly fast.
Intended cycle is planned for May or April then i will have been 4-5 months off cycle
500mg test E 16w
Aromasin 15mg ED
Anavar+proviron or Winstrol without proviron

Clomid and nolvadex
And mk2866+ Cardarine to sto catabolism

General supplements
Liv52 and milkthistle for the liver
MSM with Vitamin C for the joints
Omega3 3000mg
And some multivitamins

Diet will be around 3500-4000 calories(clean diet)

My biggest question is:
I mean price worth winstrol is a lot cheaper and as i understand its harder on the liver but the gains are still solid.

Im not really interested on being big while on cycle im looking for the drug with the more keepable gains after a good pct. So if the gains of anavar are more keepable ill go with var if winstrol is more keepable ill go with win.

Im really happy with the results of only test but its time to step it up.

Personally ~ I'd go with the Anavar and Proviron with your Test.
Diet is going to determine your Gains ~ just watch your Carbs and you should be fine.
And make sure your AI dose is good, so you don't retain too much Fluid while On-Cycle.

As far as Liver Support.
I'd Drop the Liv-52 and Milk Thistle in favor of Tudca and NAC ~ these are Top of the Line for Liver Support.
I use to run Liv-52-DS and Milk Thistle a few years back, till my Liver Enzymes came back at over Twice the Upper Parameters on Bloodwork.

I switched over to Tudca and NAC.
28 Days later, I redid the Bloodwork and both my AST and ALT were back in the Middle of the Reference Range................. JP
Personally ~ I'd go with the Anavar and Proviron with your Test.
Diet is going to determine your Gains ~ just watch your Carbs and you should be fine.
And make sure your AI dose is good, so you don't retain too much Fluid while On-Cycle.

As far as Liver Support.
I'd Drop the Liv-52 and Milk Thistle in favor of Tudca and NAC ~ these are Top of the Line for Liver Support.
I use to run Liv-52-DS and Milk Thistle a few years back, till my Liver Enzymes came back at over Twice the Upper Parameters on Bloodwork.

I switched over to Tudca and NAC.
28 Days later, I redid the Bloodwork and both my AST and ALT were back in the Middle of the Reference Range................. JP

Thanks for the reply. Tudca can be a bit hard to get because its illegal where i live. I can buy it through amazone or ebay but it can be stopped. I ordered NAC and in worst case i will run Nac, milkthistle and liv52ds.