andro gel?

I checked the price for andro-gel(major pharma) at Rite-Aid pharmacy with a discount card, it was $220 for a 1 month supply! Too expensive for me. Sustanon is a better choice.
Ive used the Androgel for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). It is expensive, and a pain in the ass to put on every day. IMO much better off with injections and then you can blast and crusie too bro!
Also alot of issues with it converting to estrogen easier. Plus you can transfer it to others, women and children.

Honestly its a BS way to go about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Injections work so much better for people.
Andro gel and the other test creams are a perfect addition for someone who is running beast and or similar orals who does not have a safe and reliable source for the real gear and who may not want to go to the next step and use needles. IMO. Yea its non cost effective when compared to the oils and what not, but it does get some test into your system safely. Is it as strong as injections? Of course not, can you purchase it from a safe and reliable source with ease, I believe so, and with that being said I feel its an option if you have the money.
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