New guy here. First of I would like to say that I like your site, been reading a lot of posts and learning new things, keep up the good work.
I read this in one of the threds ( Rebound cycle after competion to add mass ) and in there Roush ( hope he won't mind naming him ) explaind a lot about androgene receptors.
So if I understand this correctly to pack on more muscle you also need more androgen receptors, but the body doesn't make new ones daily.
I have two questions:
How long does it take for a human body to produce new ones?
Is there, laugh if you like, a way to build new receptors naturally?
Thank you for your answer/s.
I'll go to your last question first , because its the easiest one to answer . yes.
here is an article, entitled "5 ways to increase androgen receptors naturally" -- this title presupposes that yes of course androgen receptors can be increased in the body
I may be wrong , but I think DPR's analogy is more related to 'cells' then to receptors. the amount of cells you have are generically pre-determined , you only have so much space , like a "fixed parking lot" , eg., you are born with 10 billion fat cells, you will have that fixed amount of fat cells your whole life, you can either shrink those cells and get shredded , or grow those cells and get fat. BUT you can't burn off the actual cells themselves.
again, i may be wrong , I cannot speak for DPR.
but as for 'Receptors' , those are totally different then cells , and they are constantly changing and being down regulated or up regulated depending on multiple processes happening in the body. They are specialized membrane proteins that allow communication between the cell and the outside world, they are on the surface of cells as a communication 'device' , signaling and being signaled to (bound to).
its not just about how many of these 'receptors' that you have , its about wither they are being activated and upregulated or not. If they are being upregulated by say example a steroid hormone, then these hormones are being taken out of the blood stream and being bound to a receptor , and its here that the hormone can communicate and up regulate and make changes to dna.
do some people have more 'receptors' then other people . of course. somebody that is a body builder and works out hard is going to have way way more receptors and receptor up-regulation in androgen receptors in muscle tissue then a couch potato.
can the couch potato , genetically speaking , have more actual number of 'cells' then the body builder , sure (even though it may not appear that way on the surface)? but again , the number of cells is different , then 'receptors' and receptor activation and up-regulation.
there are plenty of things you can do to up-regulate androgen receptor cells. taking hormones is one of them, muscle hypertrophy and adaptation is one, and the more androgen receptors you have , then the more hormones you can take and actually put to muscle building use.
thats why a 300 pound body builder may need 3 grams of gear, where as a 170 pound physique guy only uses 500mg of gear, because he does not have enough receptor up regulation capacity and can't put any more of that to use