Andromix + test E cycle, Critique wanted


New member
26 yo
190 lbs
Cycled with test P/E, tren, mast, dbol, deca previously.

I've ran this blend before, loved it. Unfortunately working two jobs and going to school I've kinda let my body and diet go. I have the next 5 months off from school so I'm aiming to get back in shape.

Andromix 50/50/50 prop, tren, mast respectively.
Week 1-8 2cc EOD =300mg across
Week 1-10 test E 400mg
Week 3-12 HCG 500iu/wk

Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

I'll also be taking B12 injections which I'm hoping will help mask prop pip as well. Shooting for roughly 3k maintenance and overall goal is to shed a few % and gain back a few lbs of lean mass.

Open for any Critique and bashing. Also, I work shift work in the ER overnights so any advice from similar schedules in maintaining a proper nutritional plan would be awesome too.

Thanks fellas
You'll need an AI.. also, I'm not a big fan of blends, but that blend at 2cc eod, puts you at what, 350mg a week of masterone ? that's not a whole lot of Mast.. test, tren, mast is a great combo though.