Animal Stak

:laugh4: :laugh4: :laugh4: :laugh4: and that's my honest opinion, get a good multi and you'll fine.

They do pay those guys to say how great it is so we'll buy it.

Well what exactly do you want to hear? JohnnyB was being serious. It isn't that great, and does not produce as many results as reported. If you want real results but don't wanna try real gear there's always creatine. And if you really know what you're doing(not in your case if you have to ask about Animal Stack[no offense]) there are always prohormones. But for now I'd say stick with creatine, protein, glutamine, a good multi, and maybe some flax.

Its all you really need right now, so just keep pumpin at it and perfect your diet until one day you're ready for the next level.
i was considering buying that stuff... i did some research and turns out the product is absolute garbage. doses are way off... it doesnt balance its self out. there are much better things out than that. save your money...